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Madeleine Mccann Investigation.

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derekpara | 19:18 Mon 14th Oct 2013 | News
210 Answers

Would I, a humble ex-squadie and PE teacher, receive the same allocation of police resources and media attention as the McCanns, given the same circumstances ?


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Boo I didn't say they should be prosecuted for murder I said they should be prosecuted for child neglect if they had broken a Law. You may find my comments distasteful, but the fact a couple who blatantly did not ensure the safety of their small children hold so much affection in the public eye leaves a much more bitter taste in my mouth.
who can know what the family have gone though, horrible to not know what happened to her.
Lazygun, I strongly suggest you read the link you posted -it clearly states that
quote: Use your judgement on how mature your child is before you decide to leave them alone.
children under 12 are rarely mature enough to be left alone for a long period of time
children under 16 shouldn’t be left alone overnight
babies, toddlers and very young children should never be left alone
"should" clarys. It isn't illegal. Although extremely inadvisable.
who holds affection fr the McCanns? Sympathy, that's different, sympathy for people who have lost their daughter.

If you think it's the McCann's who are really responsible, try kidnapping a child and telling the court you're not guilty because it's really the parents' fault.
jno that's just silly
I would certainly blame myself if i left 3 children under 3 alone and one of them disappeared. I'm sure kate does too. Really awful thing to happen.
@ClaryS Before you start criticizing me for not reading my link, perhaps you should re-read your own post first?

You stated that it was against the law to leave under 12s home alone. I pointed out that that is simply untrue. There is no law about minimum age.
Oh, and reading the criticism levelled at the Mccanns by people here and in the media leaves a bitter taste in my mouth too. It would appear many resent the McCanns for creating a high media profile; hold them equally complicit in the disappearance of their child,or,that they killed the child themselves; and it would seem will only be happy when they are behind bars themselves because of their woeful neglect of their children.
"I partly agree with Aussiebabe in that the fathers eyes were all over the place, I'm no pycologist but have seen a few crime programmes and know that lots of looking away and blinking ( or staring wide eyed) is a sign of lying and his eyelids were flapping like a parrot last night."

Well. If it's on the crime programmes it must be true.
I agree, LazyGun.
Well said LazyGun.

I sometimes wonder if people would rather the parents be murderers so as not to have to worry about bogeymen running around taking children.
+1 from me too, well said LazyGun.

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Well that was a waste of a few seconds there jordy! to leave a post telling us you weren't saying anything? LOL
From Detective Chief Inspector Redwood:

"Neither her parents or any of the members of the group that were with her are either persons of interest or suspects."

Why is that statement not good enough for some people here?
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Because they want blood too Ladybirder. It'd not enough they're (Jerry & Kate) in constant hell for being so tragically complacent, they also want their pound of flesh, which is sickening.
I have never heard such claptrap on here for a long while. They didn't murder their child!! They sadly did what thousands and thousands of parents have done over the years. When our two were small and we were staying in a hotel for a dinner dance or over Xmas, we left them asleep upstairs. Are you all really saying that parents would stay in a bedroom all night? They thought they were safe, sadly it wasn't to be.
LazyGun that is not how i see this thread and I feel that you have gone over the top with your reply......although applauded by some.

\\\It would appear many resent the McCanns for creating a high media profile; \\\

Yes many do, feeling that it has not been afforded to other "lost" children and that is the topic of the thread, some may agree some may disagree.

\\\\\hold them equally complicit in the disappearance of their child\\\

Again, leaving the children alone whilst on holiday is an anathema to is their opinion.

\\\or,that they killed the child themselves; and it would seem will only be happy when they are behind bars themselves because of their woeful neglect of their children.\\

Nonsense, out of the 150+ replies only about 12 have suggested that the McCanns are guilty of the crime or complicit in it.,the majority give their sympathy to the family/

Opinions do vary you know.........

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