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Madeleine Mccann Investigation.

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derekpara | 19:18 Mon 14th Oct 2013 | News
210 Answers

Would I, a humble ex-squadie and PE teacher, receive the same allocation of police resources and media attention as the McCanns, given the same circumstances ?


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The child's needs and wants if found should be all that matters !
The McCanns have exploited every Means available to them, and who can blame them . They are dedicated Catholics and used the power of the
church physically and spiritually to get wide spread support. They even managed to meet the Pope in St Peter's square and got him to say a few words in front of the TV cameras.
I would do anything and everything to get my child back . I would pray to the Devil or the Invisible Flying Pink Unicorn if I thought it would help.
JJ, "children under 18" isn't quite the point; most were actually 15-17, which usually suggests teenagers running away from home. You'll find the number of under-fives going missing is pretty small.
Yes, i know what your saying but i just feel so sad that she is lost out there some where.
I still can't understand anyone who would leave three young children in an apartment that is accessible from the road on their own. They went on holiday as a family, what they should have done is all get together in one apartment including all the children and cook a meal. argument with you there, but the OP was asking if the same amount of public resources would be given to ALL missing children.
Who was the last British child kidnapped and not found? To fully answer the op we need a comparison.
Ben needham case in question !
Sqad, the question was whether derekpara would get the same attention.

I think the answer is "Yes, if you were prepared to work as hard for it as the McCanns have."
Hasn't most of the money spent on this investigation come from public donations?

I for one hope that eventually there's a happy outcome for this family, they made a terrible mistake and are still paying the ultimate price for it. I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy and shame on those who are so nasty and almost gloating over the horror that Jerry, Kate and their entire family are suffering.

rocky...that was the most high profile one that comes to my mind, but there must have been others.

Your point is well taken.
As far as I can remember there was a lot of continued coverage, and the investigation reoped a couple of years ago when they excavated some land in Greece where he was taken.
Sorry, that post was about Ben Needham.
just so, rocky... the number of little children vanishing is small, and they linger in the public consciousness a long time.

Or is my memory skewed because there are ones I don't know about because they haven't made the papers?
Saw the prog my views well will probably get wiped but I can't get sent to the colonies cos I'm already here mateys. Posh families wanna few tinnies without the little ankle biters . The older one won't settle so Dr. Dad bungs her some panadol goes back later somethings happened can't revive the kidiwink so he fakes an abduction. Strewth watch the bugger his eyes are all over the place an I'm no shrink.
God jno I would hope not.
That has been suggested Aussie....
Clarys, I don't think anyone was not telling the truth. The 9.30pm check was done by another member of the party who, when Kate stood up to go, volunteered as he was checking on his own children. It later turned out that what he did though was to just listen, not enter the room, and as all was quiet he assumed Maddie and the twins were all safe and asleep. When Kate checked at 10pm was when she discovered Maddie had been taken. I think I have remembered the sequence of events correctly and I'm sure I will be corrected if I'm wrong.

I too believe the answer to derek is yes, look at when little Jamie Bulger went missing. Kate has acknowledged they shouldn't have left the children alone. The agony is etched on her face and I am glad the Met are investigating and I hope for the best outcome possible but at the very least I hope they learn what happened to their precious daughter. My heart goes out to them.
If they had done this don't you think they'd let sleeping dogs lie, I mean, they are the driving force behind the campaign to find her.
We may never know !

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