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Madeleine Mccann Investigation.

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derekpara | 19:18 Mon 14th Oct 2013 | News
210 Answers

Would I, a humble ex-squadie and PE teacher, receive the same allocation of police resources and media attention as the McCanns, given the same circumstances ?


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Thank you all for taking the trouble to contribute, but most of you are getting away from my question.
I am with murraymints on this. I have always been of the opinion that had the child not been so attractive and the child of well educated, professional, media savvy parents the news coverage would have been significantly less.

I do wonder how the parents of kids on sink estates that have disappeared in the intervening period feel every time this case rears its head.
I have always felt the same but I always feel awkward saying so
Sorry Derek, but I would like to believe that any missing child would get the same amount of publicity
So no point is its only because of their social status that so much resource and publicity is afforded them !!
That's even worse, murray. We travelled with ours and went for babysitters, using the hotel recommendations and never had an issue....the few times we had no cover, then we had the reception listen in and (underscore) had a decent radio-walkie-talkie that worked over 5 miles, not that we ever left the premises.

Sibs, I agree with your last comment.
I should imagine that if anything similar happened to Mr & Mrs Average's child, then yes, it would get as much media coverage at the beginning- remember Shannon Matthews?

The Mccanns astonishing, and fully understood, relentless style of keeping the media informed at every outcome has kept this awful story to the fore of most of our minds, whereas most parents might sit back and wallow in their (again understandable) grief in private, thus allowing the public to forget.

Hello Derek darlin xxx
I would hope and expect the same effort for any child. Maybe not all parents would want to speak publicly for so long. Yes, they were negligent and two of the oddest people I've ever seen.
It got them on the band wagon and kept them there.

Yes, I would hope too, that every missing child got such coverage (wit the awful W Wales case last year), but to keep the interest of the public over 6 years requires a concerted PR campaign, particularly when they, the McCanns, were suspects at one point. Those campaigns and fuelling of the press doesn't come cheap.
Yes DTC, April Jones got the biggest police hunt for a child, the UK has ever seen, so yes, I believe that any child would be afforded the same attention. As for the McCanns, I hate the way Mrs McCann is STILL insisting they did nothing wrong; of course they were wrong!
I have always prayed for a happy ending to this.

Though the bottom line is, no kiddies under 5 should be left on their own, putting aside being kidnapped, what if they got out of bed and fell hitting their head on the villa's tiled floor, or had a choking fit. Also what idiot would leave the patio doors open.
"I do wonder how the parents of kids on sink estates that have disappeared in the intervening period feel every time this case rears its head"...

they've got Jeremy Kyle to speak up for them.
People on here are saying that an ordinary couple would have the same allocation of police resources and media attention and mention Shannon Matthews and the little girl in Wales, but they were in the UK not abroad.

Didn't the McCanns fund spend millions trying to find her, apart from the police etc?

I would love to see them reconciled with Madeleine, even though they left her unattended, but I'm getting a bit bored with this story, the same as I am with the Stephen Lawrence Saga!
trt...bored with the Stephen Lawrence saga!

Due to the rotten corrupt police within the Met, it took years to bring his killers to justice, and some are still at large.

I hope Maddie gets a better deal!
I feel so bad, cos I can see a resemblance in the photofit to Gerry.
I so hope it is wrong.
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Thanks again to everyone. Personally I don't think Mr & Mrs Ordinary would get the same police resources/funding to a crime committed abroad.

Hi Boo, darlin' ! How're you keepin ?
I can see a resemblance to most of the blokes I know, even the Sky reporter doing the piece this morning looked like the photofits.
Derek, you may be right, hopefully no one will ever be in that position to find out.
A lot of investigations are driven by publicity, rather than rationale.
The worst thing in the world is to lose a child. I speak from experience.

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