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Madeleine Mccann Investigation.

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derekpara | 19:18 Mon 14th Oct 2013 | News
210 Answers

Would I, a humble ex-squadie and PE teacher, receive the same allocation of police resources and media attention as the McCanns, given the same circumstances ?


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Yes fingers cross that they get an answer one day but it's 6 years ago. I couldn't remember a single stranger I might have seen on holiday 6 years ago. I feel it's all too late.
Depends if you were a cute 7 y o Derek,

You could ask the same question concerning Ben Needham who disappeared years and years ago. I dont think Maddie got a particularly good deal myself - a good example not doing it right first time - screws it up big time for long time.

Think Stephen Lawrence - and he was black and a teenager
I think you'd be surprised, prudie. People forget names, but not faces.
I do believe that 10 out of 10 parents would like their child back, even if she has had a decent time with the kidnappers. I certainly would and many would agree with me? (She was stolen)
I would like to say yes but doubt it very much - remember little Ben Needam?
Peter, she was 3. Would now be about ten. Exactly the same age as my youngest child.
I think so, too, pusskin. My post didn't quite look how i meant it. I meant that whatever has happened, it has to be better to know.
Pusskin, I'm with you, she'd be back with me, no question.
So ladies.......are we considering what is best for the child OR what is best for the parents here.....if she is found alive?

You are assuming that it would be a successful outcome for both sides.

I doubt it.
ok pixie, understand what you mean.
it would be a terribble thing to have a child found alive and then have to face a future with them not coming back into the family.
At least it must be a big relief to know the child is alive though.
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Sqad, your first answer is getting to the point of my question.


Well, how did the family come by her, they broke the law, will they not go to prison? 4 year olds don't drop out if the sky, she's have been illegally adopted.
I would postulate that, if she is alive, she is best with her original family, and that would be the case in 90% of the times.

There is a school of thought that she as traded into a Bedouin family, and then into the Middle East, a premium put on blonde females the moment they hit puberty.

The case still makes me gag, ré the parental lack of supervision over their children, and I understand that Ma McCann has been out there denying her responsibilities.........sorry, that doesn't cut avec moi. Just hope the kid is found - eventually.
Agree with DT...if it had been Gary and Tracy...mechanic and hairdresser from services would have hauled them over the coals !!
DTC, that is so harsh, they were on holiday in a secure place, a few yards away and checking them regularly.
Didn't they give the children something to help them sleep?
40 minutes is not regularly,, they were irresponsible, yes they were caught with their pants down. They could have had a decent walkie-talkie in the room through to them at the table and a good one doesn't miss a trick.

I still would have wanted a second back up - and, with their combined incomes, a baby-sitter wasn't exactly out of the question, which it may have been for "Gary and Tracy". was much more than a few yards...I've stayed there...and to leave three kids the oldest three years of age unsupervised in an unlocked room in a foreign land...Well....
OK but what's worrying me is that with all this publicity, as there a danger she will be got rid of?
There was a babysitting service available and they chose not to use it !

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