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Madeleine Mccann Investigation.

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derekpara | 19:18 Mon 14th Oct 2013 | News
210 Answers

Would I, a humble ex-squadie and PE teacher, receive the same allocation of police resources and media attention as the McCanns, given the same circumstances ?


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//Fingers crossed miracles may happen. // A bit late for miracles !
Churches across the world have been praying for 6 years . Billions of prayers, a total failure , but I bet if this latest police initative yields any results the believers will still say their prayers have been answered.
how are the maccans not ordinary then?
I don't think it is a middle class thing it is more about shouting loudly enough and having the ability to make the media work for you.

The Mcanns (or someone associated with them) involved the press early on and they have kept that momentum going. Sometimes it will backfire on you but if you keep the pressure up properly it can help.

It is what that philpott bloke hoped would happen to .. gain sympathy and a good lot of donations will come in. He however was guilty so it backfired spectaculy on him. The Mcanns have used it to eventually get a bit of progress. The gov will bow to public pressure and that is what the press has done for them.
.Having watched crime watch this evg.
over thirty minutes was on Maddie McC.

and Derek is right - it was a complete waster of time

I think, Derek, if you made the same tragic mistake and then put the effort these parents have into finding your would.....humble though you be.
"Madeleine Mccann Investigation.

Would I, a humble ex-squadie and PE teacher, receive the same allocation of police resources and media attention as the McCanns, given the same circumstances ? "

All (or most) parents love their child / children. These parents obviously love their Maddie and is persistent in finding her. They are doing what they have to do to find their child. I see nothing wrong with that.
To answer the question very directly, when a squaddie's child went missing in Sennelager, Germany many years ago, both the local and military police were involved and there was wide coverage on the German and Forces TV. I don't know about in the UK, we were in Germany. Nothing was found after months and has never been found since, the case occasionally crops up in the UK press. I recall it because we were in the NAAFI that afternoon and the missing girl was the image of our daughter.
But we now live in a different world of communications, an event can hit the media very quickly and be kept there. When the McCann case happened, it was, I believe, on the national news the same evening in the UK, so someone managed to move quickly.
If the McCann's want to know who is responsible for the disappearance of their daughter they only have to look in a mirror. There were enough adults in the party for one or two to stay with the children on a rotating basis. I would never leave children of that age unattended for my own pleasure.
Agree with sqad, if the child is happy (I personally believe she is dead) then it would be cruel to remove her and drag her back to live with the McCanns. I like the way the goalposts have moved since the original reports. ie now there was a huge breeze when Mrs McCann entered the room, from the original photos taken the very next morning, the bedroom shutter was closed, and no unknown fingerprints found. Also originally Gerry McCann said he thought there was someone hiding behind the bedroom door, and yet he still left the kids unattended.

One other thing, if they had left some expensive jewellery or huge amount of cash unattended and it were stolen, they would be to blame, so why not now?? Children not so valuable as possessions???
Neti there have been cases in USA when lost children have been found years later. .....returned to real parents but then went back to New family as that WAS their family in their mind anyway....
I can't believe anyones seriously suggesting that, if found, Maddie should remain with her abductors. Absurd. As for her parents errant behaviour. They made a mistake, a dreadful mistake they've owned up to. Surely they've been punished enough and, now, deserve some kindness and sympathy.
Sve..if she is with a family it will be one that she's been passed to..not the abductors ....and would they even be aware of the circs....lots of adoptions etc overseas are arranged through private brokers for a's what's best for the child at the end of the day....
In answer to the OP (not feeling inclined to read through 4 pages of later posts) no you would not. I'm sure everyone would like her found, I'm sure everyone would like every lost child found. The media interest and continual expense of this particular case is beyond ridiculous. I don't know how they do it but I wish some sanity would return to those involved. There is not an infinite pot of resources, someone with an IQ greater than a single digit should be given the task of ensuring it is allocated sensibly.
Agreed, svejk. I can't stand all the McCann-bashing. They are going through an unimaginably hideous situation and they deserve help and sympathy. Yes, other children have gone missing and haven't had such a high profile, but you can't blame the McCanns for doing all they can to keep Madeleine in the news.
Also, Kate would have gone over that terrible moment of discovering her daughter missing many times in her mind, and it is well known that reliving memories changes the way we recall them later. Her immediate memory of the moment six years ago would be different to her memory as she brings it to mind now, but they would both feel as real.
I don't remember reading at the time that Gerry thought there was someone hiding behind the door. I do not believe he would have gone out and left the children in that situation.
About 300,000 British people go missing each year.

Yes, really ...

64% of these (so about 192,000) are children under 18.

They all get the same amount of publicity as MM.

Don't they?

It's just as horrible for any, and all, parents.
Svejk, agree with you! Why let abductors keep the stolen child.
She could be slowly introduced back into her biological family.

\\\\\She could be slowly introduced back into her biological family.\\\

Can you just imagine her being SLOWLY introduced back into the McCann family?
yes, i would hope so Sqad.

I'd love to see Maddie back with her young siblings and parents!
So they now say the child was abducted perhaps 45 minutes later than originally thought? So someone was lying about the last time they looked in on the children then. I have my own thoughts on the scenario that I cannot post, but every time I see that fathers face and listen to what he is saying I can't help thinking he's not being honest. would we all love to see her back with the family, but SLOWLY, how would that work?

Monday, Wednesday and Friday, the McCann's could have her home, whilst Tuesday, Thursday and the weekend, she would be in temporary care (State or Private?) The SLOWLY, she would be introduced full time into the family once more.

The media and Child Psychologists would have a field day.

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