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Madeleine Mccann Investigation.

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derekpara | 19:18 Mon 14th Oct 2013 | News
210 Answers

Would I, a humble ex-squadie and PE teacher, receive the same allocation of police resources and media attention as the McCanns, given the same circumstances ?


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ladybirder, I have never believed the father and think he was and still is putting pressure on his wife -there I've said it. I partly agree with Aussiebabe in that the fathers eyes were all over the place, I'm no pycologist but have seen a few crime programmes and know that lots of looking away and blinking ( or staring wide eyed) is a sign of lying and his eyelids were flapping like a parrot last night.
rockyracoon you would thing so, but maybe he thinks by being so proactive it stops the 'theorists' from concentrating on him? I don't know, its very tragic whatever happened a little life ruined at best, lost at worst, every parents nightmare.
what is your theory, ClaryS? He murdered her and is trying to hush up the evidence?
hey rocky put it this way. I do over my neighbours house then to avoid being arrested for the hideous crime I help the police all I can, even say I saw a dead wrong-un running off. I even have a coffee morning to get funds for my poor neighbour, everyone thinks I a real beaut gal or guy or transgender whatever live and let live. Get me drift cobber?
Whilst I think they had a complete lapse in judgement leaving those kids I really don't think they killed her. The Portuguese investigator wanted to pin it on Kate from the start so I imagine every stone was overturned looking for evidence to back up that theory. He would have needed people at the dinner table giving him an alibi while he disposed of her body, I just don't see it.
Hmmmm yeah I get your drift I just don't see it 6 years later.
jno I'm keeping my thoughts to myself, accidents do happen that's all I'm saying
Aussie if I had murdered my child and got away with it for 6 years and if I had any sense I would keep very very quiet about it, not keep dragging it back into the spotlight. And certainly not for SIX years, what would be the point?

ClaryS, well obviously Gerry must be guilty then ... I wonder why the experts don't think so and he's been cleared of any involvement?
ground breaking new evidence on crimewatch, sorry, I didn't find much ground breaking evidence in last night's tv show, and via bbc news this am, ' we have had a great response '' really ?
I didn't think there was much to tell on Crimewatch either anne but the police have their ways of doing things so hopefully something will shake loose and the Mccanns might get some answers.
anne, they found they'd got the time all wrong, so evidence previously dismissed because it didn't fit the time scale now became iimportant
How hard someone keeps working at keeping it alive ought have no bearing whatsoever on allocation of police etc. funds. It should not be budgeted dependent on which noisy wheels keep squeaking.
ladybirder do you know the McCann's personally? The father has been cleared by whom? The Portuguese authorities? Has he ever taken a lie detector test? Anyway I feel I'm getting into deep water here so will leave it there I've got a living room to paint and it won't do it itself unfortunately .
Now that is a good idea ClaryS:-) Happy painting.
If Maddie is found alive, she will get a load of counselling naturally. I'm confused because on Crimewatch they said that the younger the child is when taken, the more likely they are to be found alive, but on the radio some expert said the opposite. I do so hope she's OK.
" Has he ever taken a lie detector test? "

Yes, I believe he has, as has Kate.

Exactly Jno. If that's not groundbreaking then I don't know what is. And the picture of the man carrying the child that has been shown on our TV screens for years is no longer relevant as that person was a picking his own 2-yer old up from the creche. The timescale and location has now moved to the later sighting of a man carrying a pyjama clad child.
well we are all entitled to our opinion, personally I believe the met are clutching at straws to '' find new evidence'' to qualify the time/manpower/cost of their investigation, I don't think this new time line will be productive, but I may be wrong,
At least the Met dont accuse the McCanns of murder
//Would I, a humble ex-squadie and PE teacher, receive the same allocation of police resources and media attention as the McCanns, given the same circumstances ? //

No .

Has it been given to the other missing persons ? - No

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