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Madeleine Mccann Investigation.

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derekpara | 19:18 Mon 14th Oct 2013 | News
210 Answers

Would I, a humble ex-squadie and PE teacher, receive the same allocation of police resources and media attention as the McCanns, given the same circumstances ?


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Derek, if your child was abducted in a foreign country and you maintained a high profile on the case, as the parents have done, I don't think you would be treated any differently. Doctors are ordinary people too.

Baz, This isn't a regular missing person - she's a child.

I don't understand why the authorities think she's still alive. I don't.

Sorry to interrupt but, who's taken over Max Cliffords job?
//Baz, This isn't a regular missing person - she's a child. //

What is a ' regular missing person ' naomi ?

The Mccann's are undoubtely distraught about their missing daughter - but equally so too , are the the parents / familly of other mising persons ; whether they be adults or children

Where are all the famous psychics? Why aren't they seeing or getting a vision or vibes or something on Maddie missing?
Oh, The Psychics have had their say. Acorah reckons she is dead, some Psychic from Burnley thought she was living in Minnesota, USA, a team of 3 TV Pyschics from the US think she is dead.

And a report from 2012 suggests that the Met are now looking again at some suggestions from psychics that were previously ignored.

Parasites, all of them. Shameless self-promoters, preying on the most vulnerable. They make me sick.

I have just read this and found it interesting.
To answer your question, I would hope so, but doubt it.
How many abductions of children have we NOT heard about??
Baz, //What is a ' regular missing person ' naomi ?//

Whatever they are, they aren't usually little girls of 4.
Over one thousand people have contacted the police in response to last night's appeal and several have given the same name in response to the efit picture. This number of responses is unprecedented.

I hardly dare hope.

Every time I see Kate McCann's haunted face, I feel like crying for her. Yes, I know she denies that she did any wrong in leaving her three vulnerable children alone, but does she really believe that? I think not. I personally don't think they should have been left and I would never, ever do that to my child, but I still feel for this poor woman. I also suspect that she thinks Maddie is dead, but she needs closure of some sort and if a body is found, then that will be her closure - maybe. On the news today there have been reports of thee same man being mentioned many times after last night's Crimewatch, let's hope it brings some results.
If a couple on a council estate had left their three small children in the house on their own, gone next door for a BBQ and consequently one of the children went missing - wouldn't they be prosecuted for child neglect?
Would that satisfy you ClaryS? The Mccanns prosecuted on top of losing their child?
Cloverjo: Gerry McCann said it on Cutting Edge, Madeleine, 9 May 2009, I have it on disc.
Boo I am answering the OP which asks if the 'normal' person would get the amount of public resources The McCann's have. To answer your question yes, if they have broken the law resulting in the loss of a child then they are guilty. In the UK it is illegal to leave any child on their own under the age of !2. If I left three children under the age of 7 in a house on their own and one died as a result then I would expect to be prosecuted. It would not 'satisfy' me that they were convicted of child neglect, it would be justice.
@ClaryS "In the UK it is illegal to leave any child on their own under the age of !2."

No it isn't. The law sets no minimum age.

"If I left three children under the age of 7 in a house on their own and one died as a result then I would expect to be prosecuted."

What does this have to do with the McCanns situation?

via bbc news, the programme was not aired in Portugal, not it would seem is it going to be , does that make sense ?
Since it happened in Portugal, I'm not sure how British law could be invoked. Personally, I wouldn't want to see them prosecuted. They've been punished enough. They will suffer for the rest of their lives. I feel very sorry for them indeed.
oops ** nor.
The Mcanns aren't normal?

I just find your disappointment that they haven't been prosecuted to be distasteful ClaryS.

And you know Madeleine's dead for sure do you?
The simple fact of the matter is we just don't know if we would all get the same level of attention as the McCanns as fortunately none of our chldren have been whipped from their beds while we are on holiday. A great deal of money was do ated by the public to set up a fund to keep the investigation going, I imagine that has now run dry and the McCanns are (rightly) keeping the pressure on to get a resolution.

There would be nothing that I wouldn't do if she was my child.
Kate McCann spoke of the initial moment she went to check on Madeleine, only to discover she was gone.

She went to look-in on her daughter only for a door to 'slam shut' moments before her shocking discovery.

“It was all quiet but it caught my eye that the children’s door was quite far open.

'As I was just drawing it over, it was like it had been caught by a draught and it just slammed shut.

'I opened it a bit, I kind of looked into the room and I guess I was looking at Madeleine’s bed and I couldn’t make her out.

'I wondered if she was in our bed.

'She wasn't in our bed. That was the first time panic kicked in.

“At that point the curtains, which were closed, kind of whooshed and I could see that the window had been pushed right open and the shutters were up.'

So she did not really check the child's bed until the door slammed and the curtains blew, if she checked this badly all the time who knows when and where it happened.

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