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Beaten And Burned Alive By Mob In Uk

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ukanonymous | 11:42 Tue 29th Oct 2013 | News
69 Answers

Brain dead is what these people are. It is beyond my comprehension. Eveybody should be charged who chanted when he was taken away for encouraging it. This really is horrible


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The type who commit these type of atrocities are not afraid or intimidated by what they perceive to be the 'oddball' on their patch - it is a power game to them and an uneducated, bitter and misguided one at that.
Ymb....I had the great misfortune to grow up next door to a paedophile in the days when a child was not believed.
I think we have come some way from that and, while I would always want the perpetrator to receive the strongest punishment, even with my history I wouldn't want to see any form of mob revenge.
We do perhaps agree that punishment is not always handed down as it should god knows what the answer is.
But I still don't think it's fear or needing to punish a perceived paedophile. I think in many cases it's an excuse to get a kick and thrill.
gness - "I think in many cases it's an excuse to get a kick and thrill."

I agree. in these civilised times, there are those who long to have their masculinity affirmed, and the idea of gathering together with like-minded souls and meting out some sumary violence ticks all the boxes.
I'm sure it is, Andy....bit like in the war when people joined a queue and didn't know what would be at the end.....Today..join a mob and get carried away with the "excitement" of it all.
OK I shall try and reword my reply!!

These 'nonses' may have gone through the criminal law process - they will have had their sentances given out.

It is therefore a criminal act for these lynch mobs to take matters into their own hands.

And before you ask yes I have experience in law enforcement of these types of offenders!
fgt - it's already a criminal act! What is your point?
Sorry Andy it was poorly made

These baying mobs are no better than the people they think they are getting rid off!
What ymb is saying is that if paedophiles were "properly" disciplined then it wouldn't be assumed that somebody let out within a short time of being arrested was guilty.

There may be some truth in that. But, with the mentality of some thugs, it's a big ask.

I hope the full force of the law is applied to the two perpetrators and the three police officers, and anybody else who committed a crime (e.g. incitement, abuse, etc.). It would be good if the remaining community could plant a garden in Mr. Ebrahimi's memory ...
No probs fgt.
You wrote that paedos are 'let out with a slap on the wrist'.

I'm not sure what newspapers you're reading, but c'mon - that's simply not true.

Stuart Hall...slap on the wrist? And that was for so-called 'historical' cases.

Jeremy Forrest - five and half year sentence, a slap on the wrist?

I can't think of any recent case that fits your profile of leniency of the judiciary...except one, where a judge summed up by saying the 14 year old child was not 'completely innocent'.
That was in answer to youngmafbog's post of 12:52
Does anyone remember the young mother of a handicapped child who was tormented for so long by thuggish neighbours that she eventually killed her child and herself?
The people who drove her to that are of the same ilk as these thugs. It would make you despair of humanity.
Sandy there are some that think this mob and mob's like it are justified!
sandyroe - indeed, it was, and is tragic that people behave this way.

The way out of this is investment in nursery education.

If you teach children as toddlers to respect themselves and each other, they will grow up with those attitudes.
There are fgt - how scary is that!
Andy more scary than the percieved threat from 'nonses'
In view of your concern ymb about lenient sentencing, can we assume you will be on hand to mete out a considerably more severe punishment on these two thugs when they are released ?
Well I am at a complete lost reading some of the posts.

Enough to say whatever this is a disgusting thing to have happened to this man, even if he was indeed a paedophile which reading the report he was not.

But there is more to this than is being reported, one he was just collecting evidence of certain actions that had previously taken place, then he must have been involved with these kids who apparently were committing acts of vandalism on his plants.

So some kids report him to their 'parents' ie "that man down the street has been taking pictures of us and trying to grab hold of us". Without further ado 'Macho' man and his friend go down to 'sort' the man out, calling him a paedophile etc. a crowd gathers and the police are called, the man in his fury has words with the police, and the police finally arrest him and take him
away. When the police check him out, they find that he has nothing to answer for so they release him, how could anyone forecast what would later happen to this poor man?

Now we come to come to the reason that these police officers have been suspended awaiting an inquiry, this we know nothing about, should they have arrested him? we don't know the circumstances, if they failed to do so there could have been even more trouble, especially if he happened to have been a paedophile, should the police have released him back to the area? they had no reason to detain him.

Seems to me the police are damned if they do and damned if they don't.

Anyone any ideas how different the police could have handled this very sad case?

aog, as I've no idea how they did handle it, I can't really say what they might have done wrong.
AOG - I am sure there is material evidence informing the suspensions of which we are not aware, so as is the way with these instances, we will need to wait until further infomration is released into the public domain.

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