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Beaten And Burned Alive By Mob In Uk

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ukanonymous | 12:42 Tue 29th Oct 2013 | News
69 Answers

Brain dead is what these people are. It is beyond my comprehension. Eveybody should be charged who chanted when he was taken away for encouraging it. This really is horrible


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I think the main thrust of responses have been about the (insert expletive here) who set this man alive and let him slowly burn to death. the street.

But you may be right. As I wrote in my initial post - the obvious thing to do would have been to check the evidence...I don't understand how he could have been arrested.

The inquiry may shed some light on this.
"Anyone any ideas how different the police could have handled this very sad case?"

I'm not sure. I don't think blame can be placed directly at their door.

/// The way out of this is investment in nursery education. ///

/// If you teach children as toddlers to respect themselves and each other, they will grow up with those attitudes. ///

Perhaps this is today's problem Andy, children should be looked after and taught by their parents, not by some young stranger in a nursery school.

It seems like these days couples are quick to have children (some in large numbers) but are not prepared to train them to be good citizens, just as long as they can 'dump' them off onto others they seem happy.

It is half term now and I have just come back from the supermarket, and witnessed the actions of some parents, and that is after only a few days that they been forced to take up the responsibility for their own children.
Perhaps as the Police were aware of the community's hostility when they arrested him they should have spoken to the community about their concerns when he was released.
"Anyone any ideas how different the police could have handled this very sad case?"

I'm not sure. I don't think blame can be placed directly at their door.
I disagree, otherwise why would there have been a need to suspend 3 officers (currently still enforced as far as I am aware) and to serve notices of gross misconduct on 2 others?
As I said earlier, one of the local Bobbies(known as CBM's these days) could have put the word out about the nature of his arrest and release, it's what they are specifically employed for and tasked with.
The actions of the IPCC means that there is more to this than is being reported.
Exactly my point chelle.
God rest his soul, whichever God he followed.
Agreed CD.
This happened not far from me. A quote from our local paper:

Looking back to the heated evening of his arrest, a neighbour, who did not want to be named, said: "On that Thursday evening, everyone came out and they were calling him a paedophile. When we went into the close it was very hostile – they wanted him moved out.

"There were about 20 people out there all having a say. They had him down as a 100 per cent paedophile.

"One man was saying that he'd (Mr Ebrahimi) been burnt out of his previous home.

"When the police took him away, everyone was cheering. Then he got released back into that."

He should not have been released back to that, the local team would have known the poibble outcomes.

/// He should not have been released back to that, the local team would have known the poibble outcomes. ///

In hindsight that is very easy to say, what do you suggest?

That they should have put him in a cell until such time as the police could find him safe accommodation?
i agree they are braindead. with no proof, how on earth did they think this was acceptable in any universe?

Or perhaps if the police knew the locals, or at least knew who the ringleaders were, they could have gone round to their houses before the chap was released and had a word.

"Look, we know the rumours going around the estate, but we can categorically state that this man is completely innocent".

Question is - would that have prevented the murder? Hard to tell...but I personally don't think these two men were in 'their right minds' when they did this.

Dragging someone out of their house, beating them, and then setting them on fire is not the actions of vigilantes.

It's the actions of someone who has mixed lots of alcohol with some pretty hardcore drugs.

In fact, I would lay money that they were off their faces when they did this (not that this is an excuse in any way).

/// In fact, I would lay money that they were off their faces when they did this (not that this is an excuse in any way). ///

No but many regularly use this in their defence.
"The actions of the IPCC means that there is more to this than is being reported."

I don't like to read into actions like that as having directly readable outcomes. Could be a purely political move, for example.

Entirely possible though.

It would have been better for the police to communicate the chap's innocence to "the community" (whoever they are?) - but I'm not even sure how they would go about doing it?
"If you have children and there is a nonce in the street wouldn't you be afraid?"

but there wasnt - and that is why you should take the law into your own hands.

Not the first - Dr Cloete had her house burnt down as people mistook Paediatrician for something else... Dr C who had fled SA on account of the violence, hared back there

and there was a case in Harpurhey- where someone was kicked to death by mistake - they thought he was a convict but he wasnt it was someone else up the road - and the perps or should I say 'heroes' ? didnt go to prison for very long - under two years I think.
That's not to say it couldn't have been done. I am unsure if it would have made a difference?
I don't think it's used as a defence very much, aog, except perhaps in rare cases when alcohol has intereacted unexpectedly wiith something else. More likely a defence counsel will offer it as an explanation, but ut without any expectation that it will save his client or even reduce a sentence.

It's interesting - and a bit of a relief - that the two people in this case have pleaded guilty.
It would have been better for the police to communicate the chap's innocence to "the community" (whoever they are?) - but I'm not even sure how they would go about doing it?
That is exactly what Police CBM's(Community Beat Managers) and PCSO's are employed for, it's well within their remit.
The could have gone about it in exactly the same manner as suggested by sp.
Do you think that this murder would have happened if somewhere in the darkest recesses of the warped minds of the perpetrators a little voice had said, "Remember that when you are caught tried, and found guilty you will hang by your neck until you are dead."?
It seems very obvious to me that the kids who were doing the hanging baskets knew they were being photographed, and deliberately span it another way.

Parents were a bit gormless to believe them tho
"That is exactly what Police CBM's(Community Beat Managers) and PCSO's are employed for, it's well within their remit. The could have gone about it in exactly the same manner as suggested by sp."

I suppose so. I will be interested to see why they were suspended.

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