Not sure about that one, sp.
Maybe we have a slightly different outlook down here.
Here's a possibility ...
In parts of the country where there isn't such a big gay population, gay words are not used so much. So, when they are used, it stands out, and gets over analysed.
Where I live, gay is just part of life. We use so much gay language that, if you got upset about particular words, we'd never be able to open our mouths.
When we go drinking, we go in gay bars and lez pubs because they have the jolliest atmospheres.
And we look out at other parts of the country, where they take the odd word, and get all twisted up about it. I could just imagine some of these people walking up the hill through Kemptown, past the gay sex shops and mens "massage" places, with their explicit posters.
Actually, maybe it's better they don't, lol.