News1 min ago
Rolf Harris Trial Verdict
Rolf Harris Guilty on all charges
Lots of abusers are still very much alive and kicking and almost certainly still abusing. Google Elm Guest House for instance. Cyril Smith was never prosecuted because he knew where the bodies were buried. He didn't abuse boys in Rochdale on his own. Local journalists will tell you about the "dirty mac brigade" that used to turn up by train on a Saturday...
08:36 Wed 02nd Jul 2014
there's a story here
http:// www.ind ependen /news/u k/crime /rolf-h arris-c harged- with-in decent- assault -of-two -girls- and-mak ing-ind ecent-i mages-o f-a-chi ld-8789 384.htm l
Maybe the charges were dropped, I haven't heard.
Maybe the charges were dropped, I haven't heard.