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Oscar Pistorius

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mikey4444 | 10:26 Thu 11th Sep 2014 | News
78 Answers
Apparently, the lady Judge at his trial could drone on all day and into tomorrow, before she eventually tells us what the verdict is ? Why doesn't she tell us know and then drone on ?


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On firing a gun in a restaurant and asking a friend to take the blame he has been found guilty.
Mikey, I don't understand why you think the judge is 'milking it'. What would be the benefit in doing that? If that's the way the law works in South Africa, then that's the way the law works. What's the problem?
I think this is the way they do things in SA mikey.
I can't help thinking that your knitting needles are twitching, Mikey. ;o)
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Because of the huge cost to the taxpayer. This is a show trial, and a piece of theatrical entertainment, disguised as a serious murder trial. What can his girlfriends family be going through, with it dragging on like this ? Haven't they suffered enough ?
I said on another thread about this yesterday that I can't understand why Pistorius has to wait another day to hear the possible sentence for culpable homicide. I still can't understand it. Why couldn't the judge have delivered all the verdicts in one speech?
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Maybe because this is her "finest hour" Cloverjo !
It's the way they do things out there as has been borne out by the SA commentators on the Sky News reports. Who are we to question it?
Mikey, 'her finest hour'? What on earth are you talking about? She's not Miley Cyrus or whatever her name is. She's a judge and if this is how the law works, then that's how she applies it! you think it would be different if the cameras weren't there?
Guilty of Culpable Homicide.
Guilty of culpable homicide.

Clearly it's not just the young who have attention span problems.
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Guilty of culpable homicide, at last.
Thank goodness for that! Now you can relax, Mikey.
He won't Naomi, he'll want to know the sentence. And that will take weeks apparently:-)
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Justice would appear to have been done, albeit very slowly. Reeva's family can at last begin the long period of grieving, now that they know how she died.
Oh gawd! :o/
^That was to Ladybirder.

Mikey, the family have known all along how she died.
And they've forgiven him, apparently.
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As we all have Naomi !

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