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Oscar Pistorius

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mikey4444 | 09:26 Thu 11th Sep 2014 | News
78 Answers
Apparently, the lady Judge at his trial could drone on all day and into tomorrow, before she eventually tells us what the verdict is ? Why doesn't she tell us know and then drone on ?


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His bail will most likely carry on until he is sentenced.
Mikey, you contradict yourself so often, I get the distinct impression that you don't really think before you post.
Judge grants Pistorius bail
Masipa says she has not been persuaded by the state’s argument. She will extend bail.
Sentencing to be 13 October.
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Ummmm ( 09:31 ) I have just watched the Ch4 News and his girlfriends family have far from forgiven him. They are as puzzled and disparaging of the verdict as most of us are on here. This verdict is far from satisfactory.
I watched her being interviewed. She said they'd forgiven him because they didn't want to live with hatred in their hearts.

That won't stop how the trial has made them feel and the unsatisfactory result.
Yes, I agree, the verdict is far from satisfactory.
Ummmm who do you mean by 'her' please?
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Ladybirder...I watched the news...not sure if there was any forgiveness this evening from the Steenkamp family.
Reeva's mother.
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Just in case there is anybody left on AB that thinks the Steenkamp family are at peace this evening ::::

Most important quote...."Justice was not served"
I didn't suggest they were at peace, how could they be?
This is all I could find with a quick search. There is what seems to be an short extract from an interview?
This was an interview before the verdict.
I'm surprised then Ummmm I thought they weren't speaking to the press before the verdict. I've heard on TV today they have signed an exclusive deal for an interview but I can't remember who with.
I hope they have forgiven because it will make the pain slightly easier to bear.
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Ladybirder...forgiveness was far from being in evidence in the interview I saw tonight !
If you watch the wee clip in my post @ 21.31 there doesn't seem to be any sign of forgiveness there either but it is after the verdict and Ummmm said Reeva's mother said it before the verdict.
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Well, whatever went before, can we all agree that the family are far from happy and forgiving now !

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