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Katie Hopkins - Wow!

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andy-hughes | 18:34 Mon 29th Dec 2014 | News
109 Answers
What Katie doesn't grasp is that her husband's love for her is not rooted in her hip measurement - it's who she is.

I know that's difficult to accept, given just who she is, but it may have done her good to allow her husband to love her as much when she was fat as he did thin - it might have helped to address her seriously shallow hate-bait views about obesity.

That in turn might have made her a less shallow, self-obsessed, over-opinionated, attention-seeking idiot - which would be good for everyone! Media URL:


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The majority of obese people do not possess Ms Hopkins' intelligence

Quite right, I haven't seen one intelligent comment from a fat person like the one Katie Hopkings put out about the Glasgow ebola story. Shame on you fat people!
crystal wren -plus sized model which I think means she's probably classed by kate hopkins as 'fat'

maybe I'm weird but if I was a man I wouldn't say no -but I would say 'go away and eat something to this

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Talbot - I perhaps expressed my point badly.

When I said that the majority of obese people don't possess Ms. Hopkins' intelligence, I did not mean to infer that this is linked to their obesity.

The point I was attempting to make is that most people - obese or not, do not possess the tenacity and willpower of Ms. Hopkins, but I concede I expressed myself clumsily.

I did not intend to infer that obesity and lack of intelligence are in any way linked - that is not my belief - it is Ms. Hopkins', and I would walk a long way very quickly in the opposite direction from any of her viewpoints!
Andy, I thought you made your living from writing? Have the Christmas festivities blunted your quill?
As, I pointed out, many people are happy in their (enlarged) skin and don't have any need for Ms H's tenacity or will power. Do you understand that? you really believe that over weight people are happy with their weight? I don't.
I know several who are, as I have said.
What's more, I know a few blokes who prefer larger ladies.
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Zacs-Master - "Andy, I thought you made your living from writing? Have the Christmas festivities blunted your quill?"

I don't make my living from writing - it is a nice part-time income though. The festivities have not affected me - what happens is, I literally type as I think, and then post, and sometimes I do drop off when it comes to making a point, in which case it is picked up, and I am always delighted to acknowledge that - as in this case - I did not make my point clearly.

"As, I pointed out, many people are happy in their (enlarged) skin and don't have any need for Ms H's tenacity or will power. Do you understand that?"

Absolutely - but I am sure you will concede that they are a small percentage of people who are overweight.

I am sure there are a percentage of men who are happy to be bald - the majority - and I am one of them - are not happy at all!

Accepting something as the way it is, does not mean the same as being happy about it, or that the individual would not change, given the opportunity.
//Accepting something as the way it is, does not mean the same as being happy about it, or that the individual would not change, given the opportunity.//

But you didn't make the distinction that a few may be happy. You unequivocally appeared to support MsH's view that they were idle or stupid.

I should review your 'write as I think' approach old bean.
Zacs....I think you're the only one misreading what Andy has said.
"Taking your first post into account, I'm not sure how that works but I'll take your word for it."

On reflection you might have a point. Evidently there is a line drawn somewhere, beyond which I don't find fat sexy (although some people still would). Katie Hopkins apparently draws that line a lot tighter than I would, which is where the disagreement lies. I don't consider her as looking fat in the left picture, and I meant what I said when I said that if anything I preferred her when she was "fat" to how she looks on the right. If she were larger still then it would eventually snap back to unsexy.
Don't know who this woman is, but she seems to have stirred up a hornets nest with her twitters about the woman diagnosed with Ebola.
She's stirred up loads of things.

The best one was when she was on This Morning slating parents who name their children 'chavvy' names or names after places. Then it was pointed out that her daughter is named 'India'
I don't think I am.
"They" used to work for us.... I've hated the sanctimonious pious Lady since then, Cross wasn't much better maybe shaggin in a field was the best thing for them
as a fat(ish) person i don't want to be skinny, i would like to lose a bit more weight but not to the skinny stage. i'm certainly not unfit though - having just come from a a bit of a monster gym session, i would wager that i'm a lot fitter & healthier than the skinnies who don't do any exercise.

katie hopkins didn't really prove anything as she didn't address any of the issues that surround why people are overweight. she put on weight quickly then with the help of a trainer lost it quickly. great good on her.

as for whether you want to have sex with someone who is fat or not, surely that's just down to personal preference and what turns you on
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Zacs-Master - "You unequivocally appeared to support MsH's view that they were idle or stupid."

No I didn't.

ummmm - "Zacs....I think you're the only one misreading what Andy has said."

I would agree. I have already explained that I do not support Ms. Hopkins' view.
I think she gets summed up rather well here.....ff to 40s
Well I have to admit being on the large side myself but I'm moderately fit, can still to 100 milers on the bicycle if i had to, however, I believe there is beauty in every woman ( Bloke so no way I'd look at other blokes) no matter the size or shape... Obviously I draw the line at anything nice anbout this Hopkins trollope, she's car crash Tv in stilletos... maybe we should link her an Jezza Kyle up together

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