Retro......attack the messenger, instead of attacking the problem, is always a fall back position for some people. I have many areas of interest, as you will see from my posts recently. If anyone has a one-track mind, its you, and others like you, who revel in making personal attacks on people like me, rather than deal with the problem.
All this reminds me of the outpouring of grief when it was announced that
"Sir" Jimmy Savile had died. He was lionised out of proportion in the media. He lay in state, in a gold-colored coffin and then buried in an inordinately ornate grave. His funeral was attended by a cast of thousands. Massed ranks of Celebrities formed an orderly queue in front of TV presenters, to wax lyrical about "this wonderful man" With all the fuss that was made at the time, anybody could have been forgiven for supposing that Mother Teresa or Princess Diana had died again.
But if I, or anybody else had started to spill the beans about this truly awful pervert, perhaps the worst paedophile in British history, they would have been shot down in flames and vilified by people like you. But who would now doubt the guilt of this serial child abuser ? Even his most eloquent supporters are now silent.
I shall continue to campaign on this issue, and any other issues I care to take an interest in, and people like will not stop me.
Publish and be damned.