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That I understand but I have spent hours on beaches, smoke from others does not ever reach me. It's just pandering because it's THE topic to have a go at.
15:18 Tue 21st Jul 2015
Luckily the world doesn't revolve around BAZWILLRUN so I
doubt that many folk give a toss about what he thinks
Personal experience, we have one family friend who still smokes heavily.
Last week I was upstairs sorting out clothes to wear when I detected the unmistakable smell of cigarette smoke. The 'smoker' had just come through the front door. The smell about her clothes was so strong I could smell it from the next floor. She does not smoke in the house only outside but the smell on her is unmistakable even from yards away.
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"doubt that many folk give a toss about what he thinks "

what and you think that bothers me....dream on..hahaha

yet you had to post though...just saying...
we need to pursue these disgusting selfish wretches until they have to put some sort of smoke hood on if they want to partake in their foul habit. They had it their way for centuries now it's the age of the non smoker.
TTT - a post that will leave the smoking fraternity fuming ;)
baz..must you be so hostile ? you have asked for others thoughts and opinions and you have them...I personally can't stand the smell of smoke and find it stomach turning..I can smell smoke from a distance and also on smokers clothes is really not nice..if a person wants to pollute themselves and their own environment that is up to them..but do not expose and subject others to it in any public place
You're not bothered what folk think but you had to post a response still. Just saying...
///.Caught by Baloo after a meeting///

That must have been painful, retro. Wouldn't be allowed today, of course.

Baz, well done, mate. Keep winding the pompous up. Some people are full of themselves, on here. (probably little mice in real life so they have to get it out of their system on here.)
I never was the man I was since I was caught by the baloo.I came all over queer for a while and then horror set in. I had to tell my mum and dad why I wasn't going to my trysts on a Friday evening.They had only just shelled out for my uniform after a 3 month probationery period.
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"You're not bothered what folk think but you had to post a response still. Just saying.."

ok thats you stuck obviously...nothing to say as usual...pffft

I nearly had a coronary the other week, due to fags, and I don’t even smoke...

It was my bro’s 65th birthday, and although we don’t really ‘do presents’, I decided I’d buy him a packet of fags. When the assistant asked for £9.60 I nearly keeled over. As I handed him my credit card I involuntarily blurted out, ‘Jesus wept!’. He laughed and replied, ‘You’re not a smoker then?’

The health risks and the pong might not put me off smoking, but the price certainly would (a Yorkshire lass, through and through).
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I just got back from going to the bank, walking down the hight street and there was a guy in front of me smoking a ciggy...i couldnt smell a im really upset...i was hoping to get a good lungful, so now im really annoyed nada, feel like ive been ripped off..maybe it was the smell of all the cars and buses that masked it...hmmm, either way Im not happy...there must be somewhere i can complain
Maybe you carry your own aroma with you
^Oooer, lol.
Are the council seriously wasting time and money debating this nonsense?

Unless I'm away from home, I go down on the beach pretty much every day, and I don't think I've ever been bothered by anyone's cigarette smoke.

Whinge about the seagulls. Whinge about people smoking.


If they're worried about second hand health issues, how about making it an offence to go to a public place when you have a cold. I'm fed up with people spreading their viral illnesses when I want to go to a shop or a pub. Actually, if you're ill, you should be in bed, not in the pub where I want to have a quiet vodka without being infected by Mr Sneeze.

People come here because you're not surrounded by people who judge you, and complain about what you get up to. Save the petty rules for other towns.

On Brighton beach people drink, smoke, light fires, and do other things on which I won't elaborate. That's why we love it.

If you don't like it here, go and sit on the sea front at Worthing.

Actually, if you don't live within walking or cycling distance of the beach, maybe you shouldn't be on the beach in the first place. This is our little community. Just leave us alone. I bet none of the twits on the council actually live around here.
//On Brighton beach people drink, smoke, light fires, and do other things on which I won't elaborate.//
I heed your warning JJ and I shall keep well away.
Best policy, Khandro, lol.

Apparently, England has 5,500 miles of coastline. There's no shortage of beaches for all tastes.
I am having a barbeque on the first day on the first beach to bring in a no smoking ban. Veggies beware. [>_
Could get the Bobbies out of the office for some much needed fresh air
Remind people what they look like

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