Are the council seriously wasting time and money debating this nonsense?
Unless I'm away from home, I go down on the beach pretty much every day, and I don't think I've ever been bothered by anyone's cigarette smoke.
Whinge about the seagulls. Whinge about people smoking.
If they're worried about second hand health issues, how about making it an offence to go to a public place when you have a cold. I'm fed up with people spreading their viral illnesses when I want to go to a shop or a pub. Actually, if you're ill, you should be in bed, not in the pub where I want to have a quiet vodka without being infected by Mr Sneeze.
People come here because you're not surrounded by people who judge you, and complain about what you get up to. Save the petty rules for other towns.
On Brighton beach people drink, smoke, light fires, and do other things on which I won't elaborate. That's why we love it.
If you don't like it here, go and sit on the sea front at Worthing.
Actually, if you don't live within walking or cycling distance of the beach, maybe you shouldn't be on the beach in the first place. This is our little community. Just leave us alone. I bet none of the twits on the council actually live around here.