Motoring0 min ago
How Are They Going To Enforce This...
84 Answers
if it comes in ?
http:// egraph. ews/hea lth/new s/11752 483/Bri ghton-c ould-be -the-fi rst-UK- city-to -ban-sm oking-o n-the-b ml
Stand by for loads of little hitlers/stasi like snitches...
Stand by for loads of little hitlers/stasi like snitches...
That I understand but I have spent hours on beaches, smoke from others does not ever reach me. It's just pandering because it's THE topic to have a go at.
15:18 Tue 21st Jul 2015
JJ. Caution! I can only find stats to 2012 "Total expenditure by visitors to Brighton & Hove is estimated to have been in the region of £794,090,000 in 2012, however, expenditure on second homes and on goods and services purchased by friends and relatives that visitors were staying with, or visiting, generated a further £27,098,000 ".
With only 19% of the population smoking; http:// www.ons /ons/re l/ghs/o pinions -and-li festyle -survey /adult- smoking -habits -in-gre at-brit ain--20 13/stb- opn-smo king-20 13.html
The demands of that 19% for cigs on the beach could leave your town loosing out somewhat.
With only 19% of the population smoking; http://
The demands of that 19% for cigs on the beach could leave your town loosing out somewhat.
But perhaps, Khandro, when visitors come to our town, they should respect our ways. Even if there are a lot of them.
Why do we get so many visitors? It's not for the beach. As tony points out, our beach is not very nice to sit on.
People come to Brighton to get a bit of the Brighton way of life. That's why I moved here. They like the fact that the town is full of weird people. That when you come out of a coffee shop, you will walk past a gay massage parlour with pictures of muscley, oiled men on the front, and a gay sex shop with a window full of butt toys, a shop selling voodoo charms, a mod revival shop, a Tarot card reader called Madam Something-or-other, a CD shop, a book shop, a sheesha pipe shop, a steam punk and Victoriana fetish shop, and three pubs, which all have a live band playing.
They like the fact that if you smoke weed in the town, you get arrested. But if you keep it down on the beach, out of everyone's faces, nobody will bother you.
They like the fact that you can do anything you want (up to a point) and nobody will judge you, or moan, or ask you to stop.
You can't sterilise Brighton. This is the place where you can do anything. If it becomes the place where you can't even have a cigarette in the open air, we are no longer Brighton.
I don't smoke. I don't sleep with other women (okay, just a few times). I don't dress like a character from a pantomime. But I love the fact that people who do, can do so freely.
People like the twits on the council should take their sterile ideas of what a sterile town should be like, and impose them somewhere else. Like Hove, or Worthing, or Eastbourne, or Bournemouth, or ... frankly every other town on the south coast.
And leave Brighton alone.
Why do we get so many visitors? It's not for the beach. As tony points out, our beach is not very nice to sit on.
People come to Brighton to get a bit of the Brighton way of life. That's why I moved here. They like the fact that the town is full of weird people. That when you come out of a coffee shop, you will walk past a gay massage parlour with pictures of muscley, oiled men on the front, and a gay sex shop with a window full of butt toys, a shop selling voodoo charms, a mod revival shop, a Tarot card reader called Madam Something-or-other, a CD shop, a book shop, a sheesha pipe shop, a steam punk and Victoriana fetish shop, and three pubs, which all have a live band playing.
They like the fact that if you smoke weed in the town, you get arrested. But if you keep it down on the beach, out of everyone's faces, nobody will bother you.
They like the fact that you can do anything you want (up to a point) and nobody will judge you, or moan, or ask you to stop.
You can't sterilise Brighton. This is the place where you can do anything. If it becomes the place where you can't even have a cigarette in the open air, we are no longer Brighton.
I don't smoke. I don't sleep with other women (okay, just a few times). I don't dress like a character from a pantomime. But I love the fact that people who do, can do so freely.
People like the twits on the council should take their sterile ideas of what a sterile town should be like, and impose them somewhere else. Like Hove, or Worthing, or Eastbourne, or Bournemouth, or ... frankly every other town on the south coast.
And leave Brighton alone.
JJ; Don't you think you see what you want to see. Your interpretation; // the town is full of weird people, when you come out of a coffee shop, you will walk past a gay massage parlour with pictures of muscley, oiled men on the front, and a gay sex shop with a window full of butt toys, a shop selling voodoo charms, a mod revival shop, a Tarot card reader called Madam............,"
I suspect there are many residents, who find this the least interesting part of Brighton life, maybe finding it even obnoxious. I haven't been there for many years but it would fall short of what I would find interesting.
I suspect there are many residents, who find this the least interesting part of Brighton life, maybe finding it even obnoxious. I haven't been there for many years but it would fall short of what I would find interesting.
Khandro ...
I suspect that Brighton is the only town that is quite like that.
So for those of us who quite like it ... the attitude is presumably ...
Sorry, but we are going to make your town just like every other town in the whole country. We know what we like, and your town has to become what WE like. Because we are the bullying majority.
Well Brighton has a long history of standing up for minorities ... gays, the Green Party ... and people who want to smoke.
I suspect that Brighton is the only town that is quite like that.
So for those of us who quite like it ... the attitude is presumably ...
Sorry, but we are going to make your town just like every other town in the whole country. We know what we like, and your town has to become what WE like. Because we are the bullying majority.
Well Brighton has a long history of standing up for minorities ... gays, the Green Party ... and people who want to smoke.
I am a smoker, have never left smoking related litter (or indeed litter of any kind) anywhere. Even outdoors I will walk a long way from anyone before lighting up.
Don't go on beaches much these days either but the last time I did (with Grandchildren) I had to flag down a warden in a landrover and show him the syringes I had seen, he said they were a dreadful and obviously lethal problem.
Don't go on beaches much these days either but the last time I did (with Grandchildren) I had to flag down a warden in a landrover and show him the syringes I had seen, he said they were a dreadful and obviously lethal problem.
Leave us all alone.
You hate gays.
You hate free thinkers.
You hate smokers.
You hate seagulls.*
So ...
I'm going to have a huuuuuge wall built around Brighton, to keep everybody out.
Including the twits on the council.
And then we can carry on having fun.
And everybody else can go to Worthing, or Eastbourne.
Just saying.
I've sent my CV to the Brighton Tourist Board. I think I could do well there. They need people like me.
(*factor in common - all minorities who have, from time to time, been ostracised by the majority, and who have found comfort in Brighton) (until now)
You hate gays.
You hate free thinkers.
You hate smokers.
You hate seagulls.*
So ...
I'm going to have a huuuuuge wall built around Brighton, to keep everybody out.
Including the twits on the council.
And then we can carry on having fun.
And everybody else can go to Worthing, or Eastbourne.
Just saying.
I've sent my CV to the Brighton Tourist Board. I think I could do well there. They need people like me.
(*factor in common - all minorities who have, from time to time, been ostracised by the majority, and who have found comfort in Brighton) (until now)
Which is a good point, Daisy!
If you've ever stood on (say) Oxford Street (or North Street in Brighton) ... with the endless flow of buses and taxis and vans, belching out diesel fumes ...
And compare it with standing on the water's edge on the seafront ...
Where would you rather be?
Which one is doing more harm to your lungs?
Which one should be attracting the idiot council's "clean air" campaign???
If you've ever stood on (say) Oxford Street (or North Street in Brighton) ... with the endless flow of buses and taxis and vans, belching out diesel fumes ...
And compare it with standing on the water's edge on the seafront ...
Where would you rather be?
Which one is doing more harm to your lungs?
Which one should be attracting the idiot council's "clean air" campaign???