naomi24: "sevenOP, like Answerprancer you criticise but you offer no alternative whatsoever. I can only presume your solution is to do nothing, allow 'these monsters' (that's what they are) to carry on spreading their cancerous evil even further with not a thought for the thousands of innocent people they slaughter. I have to wonder whose side you people are on! This hand-wringing is sickening."
naomi, your memory is showing; this thread in Sept 2014 had several contributions from you and the thread was about bombing IS and this was my contribution:
"The West, that predominantly caused these problems, has ALL the tools it needs to effectively solve most of the problems
As ludwig stated, containment is the key element:
first diplomatic measures that include Syria and Iran, in tandem with direct military intervention to eradicate as much of ISIS *and* the other crazies as possible, a diplomatic solution between Turkey and the Kurds, and the threat of withdrawal of American aid - both military and financial- to many culprits around that area.
Saudi and the Gulf States must be brought to heel and the threat of extremely harsh sanctions made clear, and an occupying military force must remain in Afghanistan and Iraq for the foreseeable future.
All this is possible, but will never be done ."
As I as responding to the topic of this thread and not what I would do, your presumption is totally wrong: my views have 'hardened' since that post last year.
Constructive criticism appears to disagree with you, but my advice about this either/or mentality was for your benefit(and others), and you can either accept it, or...