I should explain something from my own point of view, and I hope it helps you (and to a lesser extent naomi24) understand how this situation has come about.
I hate bigots with a passion.
Muslim bigots who parade on the streets spewing hatred for anyone who doesn't follow their twisted brand of Islam are (I feel) a disgrace to themselves, and their community.
I hate them.
However, what you might not understand is that I have an equal hatred of hypocritical scumbag racist bigots who have spent years spreading hatred about black people, Asians and gay people and then suddenly think that we should think of them as 'okay' now, simply because their bigotry is concocted from a different recipe.
If Islam didn't exist in the UK, these groups would be going after the blacks, the gays and the Jews.
We know this - because they did.
They did for years.
Hope that helps explain matters.