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I should explain something from my own point of view, and I hope it helps you (and to a lesser extent naomi24) understand how this situation has come about.

I hate bigots with a passion.

Muslim bigots who parade on the streets spewing hatred for anyone who doesn't follow their twisted brand of Islam are (I feel) a disgrace to themselves, and their community.

I hate them.

However, what you might not understand is that I have an equal hatred of hypocritical scumbag racist bigots who have spent years spreading hatred about black people, Asians and gay people and then suddenly think that we should think of them as 'okay' now, simply because their bigotry is concocted from a different recipe.

If Islam didn't exist in the UK, these groups would be going after the blacks, the gays and the Jews.

We know this - because they did.

They did for years.

Hope that helps explain matters.
sp1814 - //AOG

I might be wrong, but I suspect that you owe andy_hughes the mother of all apologies here.

Am I reading you correctly when you say that andy-hughes defends rapists and child abusers?

Unless you have corroborated evidence, perhaps you might want think about getting that post from 14:40 deleted. //

That is because AOG's view of me is very simple sp - if I don't attack something, I must be defending it.

I - and I am sure you - think that disgust and abohrrance of abusers is so obvious as to not nbeed to be stated.

But AOG thinks I am a supporter and defender or abusers, so I have taken the time to disabuse him of that notion.

Hopefully he may reflect on the slurs he dishes out to people on here, while defending self-aggrandisers who put their ignorant views on film clips for the world to see - and in a democracy - comment on.
Naomi - //AOG, I agree with you. There appears to be far more vitriol levelled against people who speak out against the perpetrators than anything ever levelled against the perpetrators themselves. //

May I refer you to the final paragraph of my post at 14:22 - which was addressed to you, and you appear to have missed.
sp, why on earth would you assume you're helping me?
andy-hughes, I haven't missed anything.

Hang on!

I think I've got it now.

I recall a thread a while ago which entered this area.

I'm almost certain that we're 'apologists'.

Nice to know.

Because I'm a nice person.

I like to help.
Naomi - //andy-hughes, I haven't missed anything. //

Thanks for the update.

Feel free to insert 'ignored' or 'not understood' - whichever is appropriate.
sp, that doesn't answer my question.
andy-hughes, your rudeness is misplaced. I meant what I said.
fender; Granted, there was a case but; "Today, after 23 hours of deliberation, a jury cleared three of the men [of 5] of all the charges against them.". Oh yeah? and then the cover-ups and silences began, until Rotherham when it came to light the appalling scale which was known to some, and had not been acted on for fear of disturbing "community relations".
Of course Robinson didn't alone bring about the inquiry, but he and his like were responsible for bringing about action.

May I seek your advice before I make a decision. Would it be in order to ask both posts at 1456 and 1502 be removed as they are off thread and

//All the views are still here - it's the off-thread posts that have been removed.//

or would I just be wasting my time?? :-)

To paraphrase a point you made on another page of this thread, it seems that you don't understand why Tommy Robinson and his ilk come in for so much abuse from andy-hughes (and myself).

I was trying to explain why.
sp, I understand it.
Retrocop, you don't need anyone's permission to report posts - simply report with a valid reason.

All of us have that open to us.
> self-aggrandisers who put their ignorant views on film clips for the world to see

The media would have loved to have tripped Robinson up but were disappointed that he didn't. They wouldn't dare report on the speeches, that would be far too controversial, so thank god for youtube to give real balance and integrity.....
Question Author

/// If Islam didn't exist in the UK, these groups would be going after the blacks, the gays and the Jews. ///

/// We know this - because they did. ///

/// They did for years. ///

/// Hope that helps explain matters. ///

That is all news to me, so can you please provide the proof?

In this case we are referring to Tommy Robinson, and the new Pegida UK, as well as the EDL.

So perhaps you will provide us all with proof of either of them going after the blacks, the gays and the Jews?

Thank you, much obliged.
Mr aog
Might as well of mentioned that group ,the Romans, fed Christians to the Lions which is also totally irrelevant to what Robinson has just been accused of.
AOG, there is no proof. I think it's all to do with that paranoia and media hysteria that was mentioned earlier.
retrocop - //A-H
May I seek your advice before I make a decision. Would it be in order to ask both posts at 1456 and 1502 be removed as they are off thread and

//All the views are still here - it's the off-thread posts that have been removed.//

or would I just be wasting my time?? :-) //

Feel free to report the threads if you see fit.

As to whether you would be wasting your time - that's not for me to say.

But if you feel the need to purge the thread of off-thread messages, don't forget your post, to which I am relying, and this post as well.

Thank you.

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