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Adam Johnson

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catswhiskas | 14:29 Thu 24th Mar 2016 | News
142 Answers
Has just been sentenced to 6 years...stupid boy


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Peter Pedant - //Accuracy Mr Hughes ... //

Since you wish to be a sticker for accuracy, do I assume you have changed your address to me to use my surname only - since you appear incapable of spelling my Christian name correctly?

Accuracy indeed Mr Pedant.
Ive read all the 'you can't compare cases' posts but I,m going to anyway...

^That's a case where the offender's sentence should certainly have been a lot longer.
Talbot - //Ive read all the 'you can't compare cases' posts but I,m going to anyway... //

For every single case brought before any court on any day in any country, there are superficially comparable cases that will have attracted a greater or lesser sentence.

The judgement is down to the judge, based on his or her interpretation of the individual facts of the case, and including sentencing guidelines.

What we think about that really doesn't matter - it is the way they law works, and will continue to work.
It's a ridiculous difference and makes a mockery of justice.
It is the way the law works and that must be acceptedbut it does go to show that judges are not objective robots and in this case, as backed up by some very emotive posters on this thread, that this judge also viewed this case with particular disgust.
Adam Johnson was 100% wrong and yes very stupid but 6 years is harsh IMO.
-- answer removed --
Sorry - wrong thread!
Do you not think though that the reason he got 6 years is because he knew her age and carried on regardless and because in his 'job' he had access to lots of 'youngsters' and that the judge was sending a message!

In my mind he was in a position of trust - someone mentioned that instead of jail he should be made to coach a load of children - I would not trust him near a child in all honesty!
Prudie - //It is the way the law works and that must be acceptedbut it does go to show that judges are not objective robots and in this case, as backed up by some very emotive posters on this thread, that this judge also viewed this case with particular disgust. //

I believe that the sentencing of criminals is deigned to send a deterrent message to others minded to commit a similar crime.

Whether the huge number of over-paid immature predatory young sportsmen out there who behave in this abhorrent fashion with impunity will make the connection between their base urges and arrogant use of strangers, and the offenses and punishment here is extremely unlikely, but that is never a reason not to try and educate them.
Islay - we have cross-posted, but I see you are in agreement with the 'message' aspect of the sentence.
Absolutely Andy
This thread is composed of opinions, as the law is composed of opinions. As I stated in a previous posting, Dickens said that "the law is an ass...", and it is my opinion that the judgement in this case was handed down by someone with the judgemental capabilities of a donkey.
Do you not think though that the reason he got 6 years is because he knew her age and carried on regardless and because in his 'job' he had access to lots of 'youngsters' and that the judge was sending a message

So you think he should get longer because he is famous?
My point was that this judge handed out one sentence, albeit a message maybe, another may have given a different sentence so it's not a science, it's based on subjective influences. If AB did a poll on how many years he should get there would be probably a normal distribution with a mean of about 3 years, that's just a guess.
Dirty, filthy disgusting creep, into bestiality too. Loathe him ....

Hope he serves the full six !
## It's a ridiculous difference and makes a mockery of justice. ##

I agree Talbot.

I wonder what sentence Adam Johnson would have been given if his case was heard in Huntingdon, as this man from Letchworth, only got 1 year for having actual sex?
Should have been a suspended sentence. She looks way older than her age.
Far worse actions have had less sever sentences. Inconsistent law is an ass.
He knew her age. So that's irrelevant.
david, it doesn't matter how old she looks - he knew she was 15 before he touched her

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