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Alan Duncan, What A Prize Pratt!!

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saintpeter48 | 09:38 Tue 12th Apr 2016 | News
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The *** cheek of the man to say that anyone who is NOT a millionaire are under achievers ...... What do other ABers think of his comment?


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Avatar Image ! Here is Duncan, in his finest hour, on Have I Got News for You ( I apologise in advance for the inclusion of Rolf Harris ! )
11:11 Tue 12th Apr 2016
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A headline from 2009; ''Mr Duncan became embroiled in the expenses scandal earlier this year when The Daily Telegraph disclosed he claimed £4,000 in gardening bills for his designated second home in his constituency. Another claim for £3,194 was not paid by the fees office, as it was thought to not be within the spirit of the rules''.
We're all in this together!!!
Mikey, //Not sure I could take him seriously if he was reading from the telephone directory ! //

Nice to know you're not taking him as seriously as some here are doing. ;o)
maximum wage is a socialist dream that has been tried and failed disastrously. (97% reme,ber?) All it did was stifle creativity. Did not raise any money, probably cost tax receipts as thousands left the country.

as can be seen he had an underpriviliged early life but struggled gaily onward and upward.
Alan Duncan is like a drunk bloke on a Friday night, spooling for a fight outside a nightclub, whilst Cameron is his girlfriend desperately shouting, "Leave it Alan...just leave it. It's not worth it - you're just making it worse."
Hahaha, you can see the lefties and their politics of envy crawling out of the woodwork now... !

Here is Duncan, in his finest hour, on Have I Got News for You ( I apologise in advance for the inclusion of Rolf Harris ! )
^^ Haha! As Mikey always says, attack the message not the man.
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It is a daft think to say but there is an element of truth in it.

And boy look at the jealous left on here. Well exposed you lot hasn't it.

I would have thought many people are a millionaire or close to it these days, maybe not cash rich but certainly in assets.
//'low achievers who hate wealthy people'//

It's quite evident that there are some who do.
Bloody stupid comment, thankfully not everybody sees success and achievements by the size of their bank account!

If I did, I certainly wouldn't be a carer!
//Bloody stupid comment//

It's already been said that he was talking about people in the House of Commons - but it seems few understood that bit - or didn't want to.
I assumed that his comments were actually aimed at the opposite benches. Judging by some of the comments here he wasn't short of the mark either.
retrocop, any excuse - even it it's a potty one. ;o)
*if it's*
Viv (12:05)

Well said ! Arrogant doesn't even begin to cover it.

Ratter....I thought we couldn't use the b word, without it coming to grief with AB's anti-swearing software ? I have been using "ruddy" for ages now. But you are right of course !

Let me try and see if works for me ....bloody !
Resorting to swearing instead of using a suitable adjective is an indication of under achieving in English Language. !!!!
Retrocop...something you have never done of course !

Actually, I disagree. Swearing is a part of the English language, and as long as it isn't used too gratuitously or too often, I can't see much wrong.
Mikey, //But you [Ratter] are right of course ! //

Ratter isn't right. Alan Duncan wasn't referring to the general public - but then you wouldn't know that because you regularly misunderstand what's written. And whilst I'm about it viv wasn't right either. Hers, like yours and several other people here, is the politics of envy.

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