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Alan Duncan, What A Prize Pratt!!

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saintpeter48 | 09:38 Tue 12th Apr 2016 | News
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The *** cheek of the man to say that anyone who is NOT a millionaire are under achievers ...... What do other ABers think of his comment?


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Avatar Image ! Here is Duncan, in his finest hour, on Have I Got News for You ( I apologise in advance for the inclusion of Rolf Harris ! )
11:11 Tue 12th Apr 2016
// the way, did you know that Naomi once voted for Blair and New Labour ! //

that does not make Nigh a bad woman - misguided perhaps
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Naomi ...... Mmmmm, I know what I saw and I believe what I read and I haven't changed my mind, Alan Duncan is a prize Pratt. Take a reality check and accept that others have an opinion as well.
I thought I'd wandered into the kindergarten instead of the News section. Why are some of you being so *** minded? And rude. Naomi has patiently explained what he said, in context, as some are wilfully misunderstanding it, and just gets rudeness back. Grow up.
Talking about 'The politics of envy' is no different, imo, from shouting 'racist' at anyone concerned about immigration.
More and more people around here are being laid off and offered their jobs back on a Zero Hours/Minimum Wage basis. So is it any wonder there's a certain amount of headscratching (and, OK Naomi, whinging) when executive pay, seemingly, knows no bounds.
I do hope that Mr Duncan is not being subject to such disapprobation, just because he is openly 'gay'.
PP...I am quite happy to leave it as misguided !

Pax Naomi !
Mikey, I've told you, Mr Blair’s appalling antics (and those of his cronies) taught me to vote Conservative. He unwittingly released me from the visionless shackles imposed upon me from childhood by my Labour-supporting forebears. In short, he taught me to grow up and acknowledge the reality of the real world, so at least I have that to thank him for. ;o)

That said, this thread isn't about me.

Ladybirder, thank you.
Togo....his gayness has nothing to do with this debate. Duncan's previous history as an MP is what we are debating, and it leaves a lot to be desired !
Svejk, executive pay would know no bounds under any government - it never has - and as for zero hours contracts, perhaps the less said about that the better.
Mikey, //Duncan's previous history as an MP is what we are debating//

Are we? Where? I must have missed that.
I think it's more about him being an ***-licking ***, togo. ;-)
Talking about 'The politics of envy' is no different, imo, from shouting 'racist' at anyone concerned about immigration.

Totally agree, sven.
You don't need to tell me that Labour MP's, in the main, are hypocritical troughers, Naomi.
Svejk, pleased to hear it. :o)

//Talking about 'The politics of envy' is no different, imo, from shouting 'racist' at anyone concerned about immigration. //

I don't see the correlation there.

/// I haven't changed my mind, Alan Duncan is a prize Pratt.///

I was always under the impression that Pratt was a surname and that prat was the insult, . . . . . whatever!
To think, not long ago the 'leftie luvvies' thought that Mandy was just 'marvellous dahling'. Regardless of him being a lying, deceitful, corrupt self serving git.
// Regardless of him being a lying, deceitful, corrupt self serving git.//

he is a politician for chrissakes not a Saint
that is why we have to have rules for financial probity .... for politicians I mean not saints they dont usually have moolah
saintpeter at 19:08, well said.
saintpeter, Alan Duncan may well be a prize prat – I don’t know the man - but it's silly to continue to insist that you saw and read something that isn’t there – and viv too it would appear. Persistent hallucinations should concern you both.
naomi at 13:56, well said.

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