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Alan Duncan, What A Prize Pratt!!

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saintpeter48 | 09:38 Tue 12th Apr 2016 | News
113 Answers
The *** cheek of the man to say that anyone who is NOT a millionaire are under achievers ...... What do other ABers think of his comment?


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Avatar Image ! Here is Duncan, in his finest hour, on Have I Got News for You ( I apologise in advance for the inclusion of Rolf Harris ! )
11:11 Tue 12th Apr 2016
Me too Viv !
God, reading this thread is like sitting in the middle of an ACAS stand-off......just agree to disagree and move on.

Holding hands, the happy Couple skipped off into a 1970's Sunset.

Shows how narrow and selfish he is. My achievements in life are priceless, including changing the lives of a lot of children for the better and helping countless others to fulfil their academic potential. I'm a failure in his eyes - not in mine.
Sorry we fell out the other day mikey x
Nor in mine jourdain ...
But Naomi is right. He was talking about politicians.

ummmm, problem is they have their hands over their and are going "La La"
viv, //Like I said I'm going to ignore her and anyone who defends her ...... //

Viv, Too difficult eh? I won't wait for an answer to that. ;o)

Baldric, :o)

jourdain, he wasn't talking about you. Read the report.

over their EARS ^^^^^ doh!
Baldric. I knew what you meant. Not sure some of the others here would though. ;o)
In parliament you need a balanced view extreme left extreme right and moderates rather like here on AB

That's why I added the correction Naomi.
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Oh dear naomi, you don't like other peoples opinions do you, its your way or no way! The majority of Tories were born with silver spoons in their mouths and Alan Duncan sums the Tory party up with that statement! As first stated, he is a prize pratt!!
// bit of a silly thing to say.// 3T

and blimey 3T should know ! I would say ( stupidly probably ) that someone is entitled to his opinion

MPs dont take an IQ before they get elected to parliament do they ?

saintpeter48, you got it wrong. Accept it.
bit of a playground spat going on around me

I liked DTC's jokes the best - at least they made coherent sense
especially the one which earned the 'wot wiv dat den ?' comment directly below it

the potato joke was best because it was so poignant

[ sorry just exercising my right of free speech ]
Viv...If we did, then I have already forgotten about it ! the way, did you know that Naomi once voted for Blair and New Labour !

You would never guess would you !

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