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Disgusting People, Wish There Was A Law To Stop Them

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trt | 11:20 Sun 13th Aug 2017 | News
251 Answers
The poor kids! :-(

I think their photo's give you a an idea what type they are, and they probably got well paid for the story!


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jim, //For most people it will never be an issue; for some their biology and their mentality aren't aligned so 'neatly'.//

A psychological aberration then?
Not necessarily- there are so many millions of people in the world, it would be stranger if personalities were so polarised.
He that sums it up neatly N. must be torture to believe you were born into the opposite genders body.
Zacs, I agree.
It is just assumption though, zacs. No way of ever knowing. People just need to accept they are how they are and not have to change to fit in.
I was trying to avoid that language, Naomi, although maybe if you are using "aberration" in a neutral sense then fair enough.

I think we've had a few discussions on this before Pixie, and I'm still not sure if we agree or not. Perhaps it's just that we are giving different names to essentially the same thing -- would that be a fair way of putting it do you think?
I'm not sure it's assumption at all. If there's this overwhelming feeling that you want to be everything a female is but you're male (or vice versa) it must be hell.
Presumably if you can physically give birth you are probably female
If you have sperm probably male
Apologies to any person who has difficulties in either case
Why create doubt in a child which could cause mental worries in the future?
Quite possibly, Jim. Mostly I just try to understand exactly what it is that makes people think that way. It certainly isn't disapproval or judgement. People cannot change sex- I think it's an attempt to be more how other people expect. And that is unfair.
I think the torture comes primarily when you think that you are obliged to suppress that feeling, for fear of hurting others. After you are more open about it -- either because most people actually don't care that much, or because you eventually learn that the people who do care don't matter -- then it becomes a lot easier to explore the questions you have about yourself without getting hung up on what the answers might be.
I mean- it's an assumption that the feeling is that they should be female. They don't know. How could they? No background, no experience, etc. It is just...assumed.
Agree Jim. The psychological pressure from being the 'wrong' sex must be as bad as suppressing the feelings.
And people suppress it because of what other people might think. That isn't fair. Hopefully we are becoming tolerant enough that it won't feel necessary.
I think it's far more than assumed. I think they want to be the opposite sex at any cost, in an attempt to feel 'normal'.
Jim, berration: departure from what is normal, usual, or expected.

You said //their biology and their mentality aren't aligned so 'neatly'.//

The biology appears to be in order, which leaves us with your suggestion that 'their mentality aren't aligned so neatly'.
I can't put this any other way than my simple language - I don't really know whether I feel or think as a female or a male, I only know I think and feel as me.
That doesn't make sense Naomi. You can't separate biology and brain function, they're interdependent.

Why does the written word so often become mangled here?
Yes, zacs- but they have no way of actually diagnosing that. They feel how they feel. They can't suggest it's the same as a female.
Mamya has it in one!

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