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Disgusting People, Wish There Was A Law To Stop Them

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trt | 11:20 Sun 13th Aug 2017 | News
251 Answers
The poor kids! :-(

I think their photo's give you a an idea what type they are, and they probably got well paid for the story!


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Zacs, //You can't separate biology and brain function, they're interdependent. //

That's nonsense. Biologically Jim is a man. Psychologically he isn't.
Do I Pixie?

I've been mulling that over quite a while and that's the best way I could think to word it.
I think so...x
//Mamya has it in one! //

That's the usual comfy, fence-sitting, cop out that never solved or explained anything.
What's certainly true is that I wasn't using that to imply that transgenderism is a mental illness.

* * * * *

"And people suppress it because of what other people might think. That isn't fair. Hopefully we are becoming tolerant enough that it won't feel necessary."

I think we're getting closer to that, for sure. Most of my friends who found out made little more comment than "nice legs", or "I'm soooo jealous of your lashes!". At least one person I told about it had apparently known for two years anyway, and said nothing because he "didn't give a ***" (insert whatever four-letter word you like in place of the asterisks). So far I haven't met a reaction that hasn't been supportive or disinterested (or maybe inadvertently creepy, but that's another story).

If you're male and feel like you want to bear children, wear dresses, make-up, high heels, then surely that's wanting to be female? How do us people,who,are comfortable in our skin know how a male born into a female body feel (or vice versa)?
Sorry, some of the above sound like I'm trivialising being female which is not my intention at all!
It's absolutely right though. You don't know how it feels to be the opposite sex- and can't say you feel that way. It's just you. (Not you personally...)
I was explaining me actually, no one else.
Naomi, I think we're arguing the same point in a different way. Your description of Jim is exactly what I meant which seemed to contradict what you said earlier. Apologies if this wasn't the case.
I consider myself to be bi-sexual with a strong preference for men but I identify as female. My partner is biologically male, also bi sexual and identifies as male. I would not love him less or stop being attracted to him if he realised he was transgender, it wouldn't make any difference,why would it, you love the person surely? So I can't see how or why it would be abusive to bring a child up with the idea that they can identify as whichever gender they feel themselves to be. I don't think they've made him 'look female' either, my very blokey brothers all looked like that at his age. He seems a lovely little person and his parents seem lovely people too, why the need to describe perfectly nice people as 'disgusting' etc, THAT is the only disgusting thing I see in this story.
That's just it, zacs- you can't describe it, because you don't really know. Jim doesn't either.
Glad to hear it, Jim:-) x
That's all we can all do, mamya
It's clear that some of the earlier posts on this thread show that, unfortunately, there's a long way to go before gender abnormality is even recognised, let alone accepted.
If I may request a change from absolutely tedious jaw aching monotony of the expression 'Fence sitter' I get day in and day out on here, that would make me delirious.

Now off and explain the world.
Sorry, gender abnormality is my clumsy way of describing this terrible foible of humanity.
There is- but I don't think it helps that we encourage people to change themselves instead of accepting differences.
I get what pixie is saying about the label thing. I'm sure there are altogether too many labels people try to attach to themselves to describe niches that maybe don't deserve labels. Mostly that's probably in the realms of niche communities so I should be careful to make to big an issue of it. Still, I think pixie, and I, and everyone on whatever part of the trans* spectrum they happen to be, will long for the day when people can just be themselves without any fuss or concern at how other people will react.
Even when those people want that change, desperately?
That was to pixie
The sooner the better xx

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