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Khandro, Communism exists in Russia and Albania, National Socialism is rearing its ugly head in America, and Fascism still lingers on in Italy.
AOG, do you think banning Islam would reduce terrorist attacks?

/// AOG, do you think banning Islam would reduce terrorist attacks? ///

No one knows until we try it, at least we would be able to put those hundreds of suspects the authorities already have their eyes on, safely behind bars.
AOG, How do you propose that a ban on a worldwide religion can be enforced?
It amazes me that the same people who have recently been ever so concerned about white supremacy want to ignore Islamic supremacy.

Bizarre to say the least.
We can't ban it be we can stop facilitating it.
jesus some of these answers should be on the 'Grand Stupidity ' thread.....

yes AOG we have tried internment without trial
it didnt work
AOG: yes yes it did really! ( = alternative fact in best trump style)

and so the circus goes on
in a sort of terrorist ground hog day .....
Talbot, //It amazes me that the same people who have recently been ever so concerned about white supremacy want to ignore Islamic supremacy. //

Par for the course.
I didn't realise that "ignore" and "not post on AB" are synonymous.
>fiction-factory, So you attempt to address the problem that’s already here whilst at the same time ignoring the fact that the very same problem is being imported – and ignored - on a daily basis. That makes no sense whatsoever

Naomi, I am sure you deliberately misunderstand what has been said and use selective quotations. Where have I ignored this issue? Why do you not also acknowledged what I said about turning back boats, not rescuing boats etc.

I'm not sure why you bother.
//We can't ban it be we can stop facilitating it//
What do you propose then?
PP. It's terrorism ground hog day, because politicians and people like you lack any plan. or have the resolution to deal with this.
Who is ignoring anything? I thought we were discussing the best way to combat these dreadful actions. Banning Islam would to me more likely make matters far worse.

Bizarre to say the least.
fiction-factory, //Why do you not also acknowledged what I said about turning back boats, not rescuing boats etc. //

So sorry, I missed that. Duly acknowledged.

Jim at 10.09. What do you mean? Did you post that on the wrong thread?
Khandro, did you note my post at 09.52?
Jim, ignore that. I see you're referring to Talbot's post, and my agreement with it.
How can you think it's on the wrong thread? It's a direct reference to your last post, and Talbot's which you quoted.

Peter Pedant

/// yes AOG we have tried internment without trial ///

Who said anything about "without trial"?

If Islam was banned in this country yet they continued to follow it, then we would have a reason to send them for trial.
We can't ban Islam unless we start banning all other religions.
Jim, bearing in mind that up until now you’ve had no input in this thread, it wasn’t clear who you were talking to. Additionally, both you and Garaman seem to have missed the point Talbot was making which wasn't about defeating terrorism, but the failure of those who loudly condemn Nazism to condemn a similarly appalling philosophy – Islam. Hence the confusion.

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