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It is very hard to understand when at a sad time like this , with death and heartbreak, that the poster from Herne Bay can try and score points with the posts he submitted at 20.26, and 20.57, and his friend who joined in the fun 20.54. Amazing!.
fiction-factory, So you attempt to address the problem that’s already here whilst at the same time ignoring the fact that the very same problem is being imported – and ignored - on a daily basis. That makes no sense whatsoever.
Gulliver, what's your solution?
Baldric......"I admit to being very surprised our Man in Swansea doesn't have an opinion on this Terrorist activity"

My opinion is that I think that this attack is monstrous....what else did you expect me to say ?
Wot Naomi said.

I never expect you to say anything unless a white person is involved mikey.
Good article here;
But offers no solution, I say we should start closing down the mosques with any connection to the perpetrators.
Gulliver, even an atrocity liked this merits " a dig" from some abers :-(
Anne...yes, because the lack the intellectual capacity, to anything else.
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there was a second attack using a car and the occupants were wearing fake bomb belts.

Mikey, //Anne...yes, because the lack the intellectual capacity, to anything else. //

Dave, I posted a link to that earlier.

Khandro, unless we stop worrying about offending the sensibilities and foibles of Islam, we will never defeat it.
Naomi, you cannot defeat an ideology.
danny, true, but you don't have to excuse its foibles or pay lip service to it.
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Just spotted it Naomi.

the left are telling us "build bridges not walls", i think we need more walls around our streets to prevent this sort of thing.

Imaging if they did this in the middle of Benidorm on a evening there are thousands of people out in the bars and clubs walking around the streets.
Danny; // you cannot defeat an ideology. //

Communism, National Socialism, Fascism ?
i'm sure the perpetrators are already imagining where to hit next, everywhere in Europe has thousands out and about.How to tackle it seems unfathomable but little steps such as guilty until proven innocent (tough) on anyone already known to security forces. A drop in the ocean I know but a clamp down on the hiring of white vans might throw up some suspects.
Dave, bridges are supposed to work two ways.

Khandro, but to those ideologies, we say ‘No’. We are not doing that with Islam. Far from it.
Yes we get the same response from our leaders every time "the UK stands firmly with you, and offer our help at such times".

Then there will be the usual minutes silence the mass display of flowers and candles etc.

Then most likely "the suspect was known to the authorities" and so it goes on until the next time.

Islam like any other dangerous organisation should be banned and British citizenships should not be dished out willy nilly to any Ashad Abdul or Ajlah.
Prudie, //guilty until proven innocent (tough) on anyone already known to security forces. //

I agree.

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Another Terrorist Attack.

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