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Australians Decisively Support Same-Sex Marriage

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mikey4444 | 08:09 Wed 15th Nov 2017 | News
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Nice to see that Oz is being dragged into the 21st Century, at last !


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No..... Let's not compare it with other things, let's celebrate the fact that Australia has said that it will allow committed same-sex couples to marry. A very good day, indeed.
17:46 Wed 15th Nov 2017
Jim at 20.02. :o)

You wrote:

//We're always hearing (for good reason) about how terrible it is that snowflake millennials are so hypersensitive, so perhaps those "older generations" could perhaps show us how it's done by not massively over-reacting to any suggestion that they are wrong or silly.//

If I knew your home address, I would send you a bunch of flowers and a bottle of the finest whiskey I could find.

...except I would almost certainly keep the whiskey for myself. You can have the flowers, because I don't like flowers.
Well I know what I'm getting *you* for Christmas now, sp. :P
Easily twistable frilly knickers? ;o)
So the consensus is , congratulation is Australia :-)
The fact remains that the word "marriage" has been hijacked by a proportion of persons wishing to normalise and promote what it patently un-natural. Basic biology shows that men and women are made to complement each other, physically and in temperament. Surely it shouldnt need to be spelled out to people that there is no natural lubrication of the anus? Any relationship made up of any other combination of genders is contrary to nature and if these relationships need recognising should have been given a name other than "marriage".
But you felt you had to spell it out anyway - yes as said earlier, some are obsessed with the lives of others.
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No, mamy, not obsessed, just concerned.
I don't see why. And besides, I don't think that gay men own the exclusive rights to anal.
I wouldn't be, just live your own life - that's my approach.
13:23, this threads is reaching new lows - literally. :o/
*thread*. Rogue 's' there.
Many male gay couples don't have anal sex.
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Jo....enough already....please !

The gain-sayers can't lift their imaginations above the belt-buckle......
*male* belt-buckle.
I like how it's *my* post that reaches new lows, rather than Hazi's...
I was just replying to Hazi's point.
what has marriage got to do with sex - between anyone

sex has been around for a lot longer...
//No, mamy, not obsessed, just concerned.//

Until they tell you it's compulsory and you're next, there's really no need to be concerned Hazi.

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