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Australians Decisively Support Same-Sex Marriage

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mikey4444 | 08:09 Wed 15th Nov 2017 | News
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Nice to see that Oz is being dragged into the 21st Century, at last !


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No..... Let's not compare it with other things, let's celebrate the fact that Australia has said that it will allow committed same-sex couples to marry. A very good day, indeed.
17:46 Wed 15th Nov 2017
Pixie, well, at least you and Jim had a chuckle – although in fact until recently the definition of marriage would have been immutable. Changing that definition would have been unthinkable. No question about it.

Jim, //I'm not arguing that "it's right because animals do it"//

Oh, my mistake. I thought you were arguing that since it happens in the world of nature it follows that it’s natural for all creatures.
I was at JTH's wedding. She got married Hans...
Yes, your mistake.

Allow me to be clear: anyone who says that homosexuality is unnatural (and therefore that it shouldn't be allowed at all) is factually wrong. That is as far as the argument I am making goes.
Quite how people can moan about no-one respecting their opinions because they are older whilst one of the people they are defending is as rude as Hans has been to JTH I really cannot understand. Lots of comments on here which are rabidly homophobic and of which the posters should be thoroughly ashamed. ... and immutable- brilliant!
kvalidir.....Please tell me where you think I have been rude to JtH. Surely Jack and I can have differing opinions without either of us being accused of being rude. In fact I think Jack and I have been very polite to each other; if Not I am sure jack will say so.


////Nice to see that Oz is being dragged into the 21st Century, at last ! ////

If only we could say the same about certain members of this AB community ........ thankfully you objectors are huffing and puffing but ultimately you will not stand in the way of equality.

Fantastic news from the other end of the rainbow.

And for clarification, Hans, Ummmm did not marry JTH.....
Thanks DTC for the info.

Maydup...I am still waiting to hear exactly what equality is required by the LGBTers. They certainly don't want equality with the likes of me who are appalled by their lifestyles. So, if you can, please tell me what is equality in this instance.


to be able to be married.
you were rude when you asserted mrs jth wasnt real
I never said that Mrs JtH wasn't real. Furthermore, same sex couples can get married but it can never be the same type of marriage as I have (male and female union)

quite possible for people to wed without marrying Mrs Urbancka. Love is a many splendoured thing.
ok then. this was the insulting bit "myself and other such persons who have real wives, whereas yours is a modern make believe. "
gay people do not want the same marriage as you - they want the equality of being able to marry
Ah, but Hans, the Marriage records will show that Mrs JtH and I have *exactly* the same marriage as you and Mrs Hans. You may choose to ignore that but legally we are on exactly the same, equal footing.
/////Maydup...I am still waiting to hear exactly what equality is required by the LGBTers.////

I dont think its complicated Hans. Equal right to everything from employment, housing, health service, banking, credit, marriage, adoption, to leisure facilities, hotel bookings, and a place on the parish council!
||There is not a fixed, immutable definition.// There always has been||

not always. There are records of men marrying men centuries ago before the church tried to take over what had previously been a private matter. The church was quite keen on Christians procreating more Christians.

It's only ever been immutable until it mutates.
I didn't realise Maydup that LGBTers couldn't or can't have all the things you have listed. Unless of course you have made up the list in a pretence to show how knowledgeable you are on matters.

You asked about equality and I did my best to answer, thats all Hans.
I am shocked.
Nobody in this thread is being silenced or in any way persecuted for not believing in gay marriage. They're being mocked and occasionally having their motives questioned... Boo hoo. We're always hearing (for good reason) about how terrible it is that snowflake millennials are so hypersensitive, so perhaps those "older generations" could perhaps show us how it's done by not massively over-reacting to any suggestion that they are wrong or silly.
jno, //It's only ever been immutable until it mutates. //


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