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Australians Decisively Support Same-Sex Marriage

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mikey4444 | 08:09 Wed 15th Nov 2017 | News
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Nice to see that Oz is being dragged into the 21st Century, at last !


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No..... Let's not compare it with other things, let's celebrate the fact that Australia has said that it will allow committed same-sex couples to marry. A very good day, indeed.
17:46 Wed 15th Nov 2017
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Well...thank goodness that the bigots are not in the majority down under that is all I can say.
I thought that they were already there, after all their national airline, Qantas, is an acronym for Queers and Nancies Transvestite Airline System and if you have ever had one of their stewards sidling up to you on his knees, this is a truism.
I agree with Hans, a man and woman ARE made to fit together ...
Is that meant to be funny DTC?
Fairly typical of a number of posts is this:

"Those who are the most disapproving seem to spend a disproportionately large amount of time considering those very acts of which they disapprove."

The thread's about gay marriage, not about gay "relationships" per se, far less gay sex in general. Even the thickest of you should be able to work out that a person can "disapprove" of the first without necessarily disapproving of the the other two? And as I can give most (not all) of you the credit for not being thick, can I ask you to stop conflating my or others' opposition to gay marriage with animus against gays? This habit of yours is illogical and unfair. What's worse it makes you all seem rather nasty.
Opposing someone having the same rights as you do is rather innately hostile, v_e.

//complete dislike for what has never been proved as natural sexual activities.//

Who cares if it's natural or not? If you want to live in a completely "natural" society, you're welcome to go and find one. Most of us prefer flush toilets and rule of law.
Question Author are entitled to your own view on this matter....that goes without saying.

But why does what two people do in bed concern you so much ?

If two people of the same sex want to have sexual relations, and get married, what on earth has that got to do with you ?
Also it was not the equal marriage advocates in this thread who brought up gay sex in a weirdly obsessive way.
"A man and woman are made to fit together"....has made me laugh....

Apart from the obvious that tickled me .....I'm now imagining being measured up for shoes....just to make sure we fit together okay..... :-)
Hans was the one dragging s-e-x into the topic.....the remainder of us were quite content to stick to the subject of marriage.

Unfortunately, many gain-sayers cannot divorce s-e-x from their opinions on gay relationships.
I thought my comment "The thread's about gay marriage, not about gay "relationships" per se, far less gay sex in general. Even the thickest of you should be able to work out that a person can "disapprove" of the first without necessarily disapproving of the the other two?" should have made half of Kromo's post and all of Mikey's unnecessary.

If we want, however, to make this an issue of rights ("marriage equality" as one poster put it on a different thread - same topic) then there's a rather more intelligent debate to be had.

You might start out by arguing on identical premises logical and emotional ("denying love between two people" etc.) that incestuous marriage should be legalised. I'd love to hear a logical argument agaisnt that.
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Jack.........I think you will find that its the very idea of two people, of the same gender, having sex, that is at the heart of all opposition to gay marriage.

These people are obsessed about what people do in bed.
There are only 2 things to know about Oz
1 Everybody is called Bruce
2 There are no poofters !
Let's not compare it with other things, let's celebrate the fact that Australia has said that it will allow committed same-sex couples to marry.
A very good day, indeed.
Question Author
Thanks Eddie.........its been many years since I first saw that !
//Unfortunately, many gain-sayers cannot divorce s-e-x from their opinions on gay relationships.//

Many is a little better than stupidities like "at the heart of all", I suppose.

I can't claim to speak for anybody but myself, and will do so now.

I am an atheist and have no moral view about any[i sexual preferences, thinking these things to be a given.
I remember the Wolfenden Report as a kid and approved the subsequent decriminalisation of homosexuality.
More recently I approved the Civil Partnership legislation which gave gay couples formal next of kin status.

Now that's what this bigot [i]approves] of.

Now I'll tell what I disapprove of - gay marriage and gay adoption.

I would happily give my reasons for that on a thread where I wasn't insulted by poster who think that accusations of racism or homophobia are dispositive.

I really can't take anyone seriously who does not know how to use italics.
I don't seek or need your approval and will always consider myself to be married....
Last two posts rather proving my point about the gratuitous nastiness some show.
I'm not being nasty.
You state that you 'don't approve' and I'm stating, factually, that I don't care whether you approve, or means nothing to me.

I am married.

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