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Australians Decisively Support Same-Sex Marriage

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mikey4444 | 08:09 Wed 15th Nov 2017 | News
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Nice to see that Oz is being dragged into the 21st Century, at last !


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No..... Let's not compare it with other things, let's celebrate the fact that Australia has said that it will allow committed same-sex couples to marry. A very good day, indeed.
17:46 Wed 15th Nov 2017
Joint Christmas cards tend to be addressed to 'my forename' & 'her forename'.
Private mail is addressed to either 'Mrs (My full name)' or 'Mrs (Her full name).
We have nothing which comes to us jointly.

We considered double-barrelling but the most sensible arrangement made us sound like a Stately House...
My Daughter has just gone double barrelled, I keep running out of ink.
Sorry bednobs, I am unable to understand your posting.

as 15% of the postings on the page were from you, i presumed you were including yourself in the take over
//Bits and pieces just Do Not fit together naturally in homosexual relationships. //

And how did you come to that conclusion, Hans? Did you try it?
No way Bednobs would I wish to join a set that I have been told have the motto...Lets Get Bunking Together.

are you trying to make a funny??

can't work it out. but you really seem to be obsessed with sex, that's a little worrying
Yes mccfluff, it was a young person who told me that LGBT also meant ..Lets get bunking together.

Incidentally, I am not obsessed with sex just a complete dislike for what has never been proved as natural sexual activities.

why does anyone need to prove anything?
Those who are the most disapproving seem to spend a disproportionately large amount of time considering those very acts of which they disapprove.....
dear deirdre, due to health issues, my husbands bits have not fitted to my peices since i had a baby this year. We still have an active and robust sex life though. Does this mean he's not my husband anymore??
It is indeed very strange that the goings on in a heterosexual bedroom never cause such a debate as what goes on in same sex bedrooms.

I'm not sure if it is a lack of imagination or an overactive one?!?!

Either way I don't consider it any of my business what consenting adults get up to.
funny that isn't it Jack....

I always think "closet" when you have someone who obsessively focuses on the sexual aspects of anything they "claim" to abhor...

bednobs, nope no longer your husband!
oh dear! well it'll save on the lawyers i suppose?
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I have just returned in from a very busy and tiring day in work, and while its nice to see that the majority on here today view this move by Oz as a good thing, its disappointing to see the same bigotry coming from the usual suspects....disappointing but not unexpected.
Your words appear JtH appear to be wise and wonderful but if analysed are a lot of rubbish to confuse matters.

mccfluff...If it's unnecessary to prove anything then it must follow that I am Not required to answer your question.


^^^ said one of the most bigoted people on the Site.

17:03 @ Mikey not Hans
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That's not a very nice thing to say about Hans Baldric !

Read the thread Mikey, do keep up ;o)

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