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Australians Decisively Support Same-Sex Marriage

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mikey4444 | 08:09 Wed 15th Nov 2017 | News
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Nice to see that Oz is being dragged into the 21st Century, at last !


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No..... Let's not compare it with other things, let's celebrate the fact that Australia has said that it will allow committed same-sex couples to marry. A very good day, indeed.
17:46 Wed 15th Nov 2017

Hardly progressive, is it? What limited imaginations the opponents redefiners of that patriarchal concept marriage have. So much further to go before all antiquated stereotypes are eliminated.

Trans-gender roo marries Brisbane lesbian and adopts her gender-fluid goldfish. Fluid - geddit?
can we start a thread for nominations of names for a pet for AOG?
First of all tho, we'd need to find a suitable pet.....

Dunno if my husband is my partner, I do know he's my husband and best friend.
Although we are 'equal' in our relationship, he's more in equal in other areas and I'm more equal in different ones.
It's suited us quite well for a few decades.

Quite frankly, if 2 people love each other, irrespective of gender, then I hope both will be happy.
Orfe Orfe

For V_E's goldfish ;-)

You wrote:

//What limited imaginations the opponents redefiners of that patriarchal concept marriage have.//

I suggest that the next time you tug on your Word Of The Day toilet paper, you spool a few squares back onto the roll.
good news to hear this morning, although I do find it sad that laws have to be passed so people can marry, it's ridiculous.
Maybe I'll be a back bencher ?

Yes I hold my hands up I am wrong I was completely mixed up by the confusing references 'stay-at-home father' and the description 'husband' Craig.

That is why all this same sex couples descriptions are ridiculous, perhaps instead of demanding straight couple's descriptions, it would be more clearer if they chose descriptions of their own.

/// The court was today told she suffered a cardiac arrest and was bleeding behind the eyes following a string of horrific assaults while she was alone with stay-at-home father Scully-Hicks. ///

/// Following months of abuse Scully-Hicks killed the youngster after violently shaking her and banging her head on a hard surface just two weeks after she was formally adopted by him and his 36-year-old husband Craig. ///

If the opposite of husband is wife then that is how he should be described.

And how can he be a father if is partner is his husband, surely he is a mother?
That's only in your world, AOG.
Most people, who are willing to do so, understand the differences/similarities....
If the opposite of husband is wife

it isn't, though. A husband who has a husband has no wife "opposite" him.
it must get very confusing in your head AOG....

if I marry a woman, I have a wife and she would have a wife in me, how is that so hard to comprehend?

(forget the part that I'm against marriage and no sane person would marry me, just pretend for now... :-)
//I do find it sad that laws have to be passed so people can marry, it's ridiculous.//

I think there are quite a few such "sad" laws, MccFluff. They prescribe who you can marry (not you mum, sister or daughter), how many you can marry and at what age you can marry them.

All of these sad laws need re-evaluating for relevance to the 21st century and in most cases abrogated.

AOG, what on earth has Scully-Hicks got to do with Australia's referendum on same-sex marriage?
At the moment it's perfectly simple. A male spouse is called a husband, and a female spouse is called a wife. A male parent is called a father, and a female parent is called a mother.

I'm not sure how that's all going to work when we're no longer allowed to refer to people as male or female though.
the same way people cope with referring to me on AB, ludwig. I have politely declined to give gender-specific information about myself and yet everyone manages just fine.
Yes. That teacher that was suspended for saying 'well done girls' to the wrong people would have been fine if only he'd said it via Answerbank.
There was more to that story Ludwig, and lots we don't know yet too.
//There was more to that story Ludwig, and lots we don't know yet too.//

That is true Mamya. My point was really that if 'genderism' is going to become a new hate crime, which stories like that one seem to indicate, it's going to make concepts like husbands, wives, fathers, mothers quite complicated.

I don't know why you are reluctant to state your sex, but given your avatar I take a guess at female.
/// AOG, what on earth has Scully-Hicks got to do with Australia's referendum on same-sex marriage? ///

Read the proceeding posts then it may become clearer to you.
Jno, are you intentionally ' sexless ' on AB ?

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