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Australians Decisively Support Same-Sex Marriage

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mikey4444 | 08:09 Wed 15th Nov 2017 | News
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Nice to see that Oz is being dragged into the 21st Century, at last !


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No..... Let's not compare it with other things, let's celebrate the fact that Australia has said that it will allow committed same-sex couples to marry. A very good day, indeed.
17:46 Wed 15th Nov 2017
Real marriage is between one man and one woman, to the exclusion of all others. The law may be changed due to pressure from lobbyists and fluctuating public opinion but thankfully that doesnt change the Bible, basic biology or nature. However people try to legitimise and celebrate lust and sodomy, the family unit of one man and one woman remains the bedrock of society and social cohesion.
Changing the definition of a word, in order to please those who want it, has little to do with equality.
Old geezer, once again, you are absolutely right!
Thanks; but judging by the tone of your post I get the impression that you are against single sex relationships too. I'd not go that far, I just think making unnecessary changes to language, in order to cater for a whim that pleases one group and annoys another, is not something governments should do.
Neither the Bible nor Governments 'own' marriage.

And Australia is simply the most recent country to come round to that way of thinking.
Progress in Australia, excellent :-)
I wouldn't go feeling all that superior and gloating at the colonials, Mikey, it's only been a thing here for 20 minutes.

BTW, I think 'ocker' is as well received in Australia as 'sheepsh@gger' is in Wales.
they're not all bogans, you know. This is all only happening because the political parties are divided and leaders were too scared to do anything.
Good news....Ossie lesbians all dressed up and nowhere to they can get married.
Makes me wonder if the LGBT folk are planning to take over the world and what is to become of people who haven't any respect for their activities. Anyway, how do same sex couples decide who is to be deemed husband or wife?.

World domination is not our aim......equality will be just fine, thanks.

I am my Wife's wife.....and she is mine.
Morning Hans xx

I don't think they are trying to take over the world, just endeavouring to have the same human rights as other folk have had for centuries.

A married lesbian will refer to her partner (hate that terminology) as 'my wife, whilst a man will say 'my husband'
(I think)
Great news from the antipodes. Nice old majority too.


That sums it up perfectly.

Also - nice to see that I’m not the only person who hates the word ‘partner’.

Was beginning to think I was the only one!
Excellent result, well done Australia :-)
I thought those "Ockers" were big down under Douglas. :))
/// I am my Wife's wife.....and she is mine. ///

Just goes to show how ridiculous and confusing the whole thing is.
How is that confusing, AOG?
I know right, AOG? Who does the ironing and dishes, who does the DIY, and which one is the bigot who's incapable of understanding that it's none of their business what two married people call each other?
/// whilst a man will say 'my husband' ///

I refer to the recent murder case where the gay couple adopted a little girl, the killer of the little girl, whilst being described as the stay at home wife, was also described as the father to the child.

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