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Australians Decisively Support Same-Sex Marriage

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mikey4444 | 08:09 Wed 15th Nov 2017 | News
290 Answers

Nice to see that Oz is being dragged into the 21st Century, at last !


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No..... Let's not compare it with other things, let's celebrate the fact that Australia has said that it will allow committed same-sex couples to marry. A very good day, indeed.
17:46 Wed 15th Nov 2017
Do you suppose the Aussies who voted against will find their very own Gina Miller?
That sums it up, Jim. The need for 'some' people to define male and female roles when they don't need defining.
Him and him, her and her , is that confusing I wonder ?
I don't recall him being referred to as a stay at home wife. Have you got a link, AOG?
Well done Australia.

Crosses JTH off my list of those intent on Global domination.

/// Also - nice to see that I’m not the only person who hates the word ‘partner’. ///

What if they are not married, what would they call their 'partner' then?
Lover ?
/// That sums it up, Jim. The need for 'some' people to define male and female roles when they don't need defining. ///

You have yourself already defined them, just by mentioning Male and female.
Are you bored?
Australia has taken a step forward bu the same old bigotr continues in Blighty.
No, AOG, read my answer again. I said 'some' people need to define male and female roles.

Australia even calls it's national animal's young, joeys be them male or female, how confusing is that?
Puppies are puppies, kittens are kittens. What is your point AOG?
I don't think they mind what they're called as long as you love them AOG.

Two married men will either refer to both of them as husband, or partner.

Two married women will either refer to themselves as wives, or partners.

A man married to a woman will refer to each other as either husband and wife or partners.

My reference to the word ‘partner’ was in relation to married people. It makes sense for unmarried people (or those in civil partnerships) to refer to themselves as partners.

Your ‘stay at home wife’ reference.

Where did you see that?

Is this perhaps, the source of your confusion?

Are you getting mixed up between the words in your head, and words on the page?

Ah how cute, thanks for that, I want one but would I call it Joe or Josephine?
pity, I wouldn't object to living in a world run by jackthehat. Make a distinct improvement on theresathemay.
I'll let you name your own AOG, that's the joy of pet ownership.
Lol, jno.

Are you angling for a prime position in my Cabinet? Which portfolio would suit you best? :o)

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