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Australians Decisively Support Same-Sex Marriage

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mikey4444 | 08:09 Wed 15th Nov 2017 | News
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Nice to see that Oz is being dragged into the 21st Century, at last !


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No..... Let's not compare it with other things, let's celebrate the fact that Australia has said that it will allow committed same-sex couples to marry. A very good day, indeed.
17:46 Wed 15th Nov 2017
///I just want Hans to say that to Mrs JTH, I'd pay to see that///

Allowed to threaten other posters now, are we.
As long as we have the correct opinions, of course.
Where is the threat in that comment?
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Spicey...instead of your usual attacks on other posters, why don't you engage in the debate about gay marriage, in Oz ?
"There's nothing like a thread on gay rights for smoking out AB's dinosaur population, is there?" - nor for name-calling, disrespect and disregard for the older generation who were brought up in a different era, some of you are bright young things, surely you understand why some find it difficult to go with the flow?
Even the self appointed arbiter of all things proper on AB said ' That would be an all ticket affair, lol' or something very similar.
The inference is very clear.
If it isn't to you, keep out of working men's pubs. (around these parts, anyway)
Thanks for giving me a title - I certainly didn't appoint myself anywhere.

There are many things said on here which I would pay to watch being said face to face , we all know that's never going to happen.

However it would have been fun to see the comments said to Mrs Jth's face.

Such is life.
Mikey, //I think you will find that its the very idea of two people, of the same gender, having sex, that is at the heart of all opposition to gay marriage. These people are obsessed about what people do in bed.//

Which bit of this from v_e didn’t you understand?

"The thread's about gay marriage, not about gay "relationships" per se, far less gay sex in general. Even the thickest of you should be able to work out that a person can "disapprove" of the first without necessarily disapproving of the the other two?"
And there was me thinking Hans statement that Mrs JtH was a 'pretend wife' was actually far more insulting......

But, Mccfluff is correct; Mrs JtH would probably be far less charitable than me if he were to say it to her face.
I've absolutely zero interest in gay marriage in Australia, Mikey. Happy?
I will take a great interest when it spreads to Saudi or Iran.
Just don't like to see bigots picking on elderly gentlemen for daring to have a different opinion.
JtH... Your last posting would suggest that you don't care what folk think of you because you are married; albeit to a person of your own sex.

May I therefore ask.... Why are you defending yourself against my views about your lifestyle?.

My 84 yr old FIL is quite happy to take church services along side his gay pal, the even socialise together. Tolerance is not age limited.
Hans - I am not.
I am challenging your assertion that mine is a 'modern pretend wife'.
Elderly gentlemen, Spice? Gentlemen have the manners to voice an opinion without being rude.
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Naomi....its clear that I will not agree with you on this issue.

I fervently believe that this issue is all about gay sex, not the spurious issue of gay marriage.

You will notice that I made the point earlier, about why this issue exercises some people so much, and I ask the same question.......what is it anybodies business if 2 people want to get married ?

...the heavens will not fall fact, life will just go on as normal, just as it always have.
JtH........First off, I am referring above to your post at 18.13.

Secondly if you put your wife on this thread, I will confirm that all I have said to you can apply to her.

Yes I concur with that, my 80 year old grandmother would spin on the spot if she heard her age group being used as an excuse for bigotry. It does the older generation no service to make daft excuses like that, people opinions are their opinions regardless of age. I imagine if Alan Turing were still alive ( he would be 105), you wouldn't be hearing much form him about how he finds it hard to come to terms with gay marriage because of his age. Bigotry is not age specific, there are plenty of young bigots as well to prove that.
It isn't an "elderly" thing. Most seem to be very much "each to their own" from my experience and only concerned with people harming others. They have too much life experience to be petty.
Mikey, it possibly is just about "marriage"- the making it official. But as marriage is just a legal agreement anyway- there is no "pretend" if it's recognised by the law.
Imo, marriage isn't exactly 21st century in any case...
Firstly - My 18.13 post was not in reply to you, Hans, but on reflection does actually apply to your point of view.

Secondly - Don't be silly.......

I think I would like to throw into the pot that marriage in all its various formats should be done away with altogether. Has anyone worked out the cost of marriage these days believe me it makes your eyes water. If no-one got married & everyone whatever their way of life just lived together I'm sure we could devise ways of fair living concepts to satisfy all.
I don't believe it has to be expensive, wr. I just can't see why anybody would want to.

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