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Brexit: Theresa May Under Pressure To Get Dup On Side

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mikey4444 | 10:01 Tue 05th Dec 2017 | News
59 Answers

Mrs May has failed in her attempt to get a deal on the NI-Eire border problem, mainly because of the DUPs intransigence.

It was obvious to everyone, that the DUP were not going to agree about this, so where does Mrs May go now ? If she just ignores the DUP, her Government will fail.


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Tora is actually right here: they need to explain patiently to the DUP that it isn't what they think it is. They may need to slip them a few extra quid (maybe this is all this about: a new community centre for Rosslea would be worth a bit of a fuss on a Monday afternoon :-) )
But there is no alternative: the Irish government have compromised, the Uk have compromised, and the EU have compromised. The alternative is a collapse of the talks and very possibly the end of Brexit (Jeremy Hunt may be right).
May's real problem may be the Rees- Moggs of this world, who support the DUP but may not be easily bribed or cajoled.
There's another sub-text should this cause a general election. Labour has no money, the Lib Dems are skint and UKIP is potless. Tory supporters will line up with fistfuls of cash if there is a realistic chance of Corbyn winning. They didn't last time round because no-one realised that Labour would do well.
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I seem to recall that £10m was original bribe to the DUP.

Does anyone know how many more £millions the DUP will demand, in order to support Mrs May ?
Maybe a Xmas cash bonus will to DUP will solve TM's problem.
Dup,is good at not working .Wont Agee in N I dosnt want to work with TM .Should be extra jobs at Christmas for them .Good night Arlene if they don’t agree to summit
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Anne....bribery nearly always works ....that is how she got the DUPs support in the first place !
Don't forget that although the British PM appears beleaguered she is not completely without her own weaponry when it comes to the Brexiteer extremists: the idea that her removal, or that of the Tory government, possibly to be replaced with a pro-Republican Labour one, would be a better prospect than what we have now to most.
Labour is about to implode, make no mistake: this would be the best time for Corbyn to have an election.
... which should have been:
the idea that her removal, or that of the Tory government, possibly to be replaced with a pro-Republican Labour one, would be unacceptable to most.
And how many Tories are seriouisly crazy enough to want Jacob Rees-Mogg at the helm?
You are out by a factor of x100.
The DUP got £1 Billion, not £10 million.

Contrary to earlier answers the bribe to the DUP was £1billion, over two years, not £10million as earlier mentioned.
//Labour is about to implode//

No, I dont think it will. Well not just yet.

Labour does still have the infighting the same as the Tories but in both cases what usually happens should an election be called everyone stops fighting and closes ranks.

Will May get the DUP on side. Without doubt. Although I have sympathies with the DUP and I dont agree with Theresa the Appeaser I'm not daft enough to think that Eire, the /EU and to a degree the Re moaning May will not lean on the DUP.
//Labour is about to implode//

No, I dont think it will. Well not just yet. "

That is my point: not just yet, which is why from a non-Labour point of view now would be a bad time for an election.
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Beg pardon mistake !

So I am guessing that the odd extra £million of so, really won't be missed.
Mickey, in the grand scheme of things; No.
Ah, I get you now Ick.
The only people who can engineer another General Lection are the Prime Minister and disgruntled Conservative MPs.
Having got all her fingers burned off in the summer, Mrs May is not going to make the same mistake twice, and risk losing outright. Likewise the MPs, they will put themselves first and not risk their jobs by going to the country.

The Labour Party are not going to implode. The election result solidified Corbyn’s position. The Labour MPs who were predicting the Party would be wiped out under Corbyn were proved wrong, and they gained seats despite the parliamentary party being at civil war. Labour MPs know now that they have to be united to win next time. There will be deselections, but that will be for the long term good. Labour doesn’t really want a General Election now either, because they are a long way from being electable. The result would probably be a hung government again.
Gromit, when the current campaign to purge the party of moderates gathers, er, momentum, then labour WILL disintegrate.

It will take a while though.
Labour will be unelectable, which will suit the Milnes, Fishers and possibly even the Corbynites of this world down to the ground: they are not parliamentarians, democrats or even proper politicians, but street campaigners and protesters. Wouldn't Jeremy love it if every day was campaign day: endless confrontation, declamation, protestation ... Always the evil enemy to fight, always at war with Eurasia ... :-)
//The election result solidified Corbyn’s position.//

It did at the time but a lot of water has gone under the bridge since. Labour have been shown in a poor light especially no the economy and they have back peddled on some 'promises'.

In another election Labour will not get away with what they did and they certainly wont win over Middle England which they need to do to win. I think you will find even the 'ethnic' labour voters tend to be primarily for business so he may even loose those if he persists in moving further to the left.

There are not that many Mickey's and Guiliibles around. And getting students out of bed again may prove quite problematic especially since the 'promises' were exposed as not being entirely clear.
And he is actually very good at it Ick. HE should have stayed on the back benches where he was far more suited and useful(like some other MP's).

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