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Mp's Want A Levy On Take Away Coffee

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emmie | 10:57 Fri 05th Jan 2018 | News
182 Answers
as if it's not expensive enough. Surely there must be a better way to dispose of all these billions of coffee non disposable cups.


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"...we are talking of 25p per cup, a not inconsiderable tax," It still won't stop people drinking it. If you have two a day five days a week it will cost you £32.50 instead of £30.00 (assuming £3 per cup). People shelling out thirty quid a week on coffee obviously have a bit of income to dispose of because there are far cheaper alternatives. That much extra over...
15:42 Fri 05th Jan 2018
Islay, if that's what you think, then fine, whatever......
Iselay, it is to do with the recycling of said cups. They are lined with a plastic that means most recycling plants cannot handle them.

Coffee may have been drunk for 300 years but not in plastic lined cups.

No but you'll find the younger folks tend to be the ones who go re-useable, I don't know many who don't have their own cups. We know what the problem is, it's persuading some folks that it's normal to have a cup in your bag apparently that is the issue. Like bottled water, most young people go with glass bottles.
I will not carry a bag, it would ruin the line of my suit. I drink my coffee in a proper cup on the premises.
If I wanted to drink coffee at work I'd have to remember to bring milk in.
Only 1% of cups are reusable. so doesnt look like it is young people either, and since i know people in their 50's that reuse their cups I rather doubt your claim.

Bottom line is that the cup needs a redesign.
As I said nice to see your apology lasted a long time!
Nobody is disagreeing that the cup issue needs sorting! What we are disagreeing with is the assumptions and snide remarks about people drinking coffee in the street!
It doesn't seem to ruin the line of other people's suits HC, but each to their own lol :)
Islay, yes you're quite right. I can't help getting worked up when the same person backchats me.
MrG wouldn't carry a bag either, Hc....and didn't like the line of his suit being disturbed all his bits and bobs went in my bag.... :-(
There is something attractive about a man with a bag......I don't mean the's the confidence of a man carrying a bag that's sexy....
If a levy stops the trail of cups I saw littering the lanes today I'm all for it.....there is one driver who is having a many cups can he get onto the branch of a tree.....x

I dont really see snide remarks, just observations.

The observations certainly match my own, especially in the City. I worked in the City, Bruxelles and Paris for quite a while. You do not get the same in Bruxelles and Paris.
Sorry but I haven't seen anyone 'backchat' you!
Sorry emmie
A man bag? Isnt that the Old Trouble?
Our council's instruction is not to put drinks cartons into the recycling waste .

I found out it was because the inside of the cartons are lined with a plastic type material which is not recyclable
gness, that's why I buy my wife nice roomy bags :D
That is correct Bazille.
Yes...I was gifted the occasional roomy bag too, Hc...... :-(
Some men are allowed out unaccompanied.
I know its expensive and I think if the levy comes in there should be some adjustment for those who have reusable cups.

I dont very often partake of take away coffee, so I probably wouldnt bother with a reusable cup (apart from the fact I'm scatty enough to forget it anyway). And a levy on top wouldnt bother me.

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