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Mp's Want A Levy On Take Away Coffee

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emmie | 10:57 Fri 05th Jan 2018 | News
182 Answers
as if it's not expensive enough. Surely there must be a better way to dispose of all these billions of coffee non disposable cups.


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"...we are talking of 25p per cup, a not inconsiderable tax," It still won't stop people drinking it. If you have two a day five days a week it will cost you £32.50 instead of £30.00 (assuming £3 per cup). People shelling out thirty quid a week on coffee obviously have a bit of income to dispose of because there are far cheaper alternatives. That much extra over...
15:42 Fri 05th Jan 2018
emmie, then a tax would see their numbers cut considerably would it?
No Eccles, certainly shan't if the "pathetic and unreal" was aimed at me.
"pathetic and sad"
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no i don't think it would, people will pay the tax regardless. The same way that people who smoke are paying up to 10 quid a pack, absurd but there you are.
Read the thread again, Baths! I was repeating what diddlydo posted and asking if he/she was for real. It's not all about you!
I don't think Eccles said you were pathetic and sad - I think diddlydo said coffee drinkers were pathetic and said and people have questioned that statement!!
Childish remarks on a thread just about coffee cups.
"...we are talking of 25p per cup, a not inconsiderable tax,"

It still won't stop people drinking it. If you have two a day five days a week it will cost you £32.50 instead of £30.00 (assuming £3 per cup). People shelling out thirty quid a week on coffee obviously have a bit of income to dispose of because there are far cheaper alternatives. That much extra over a week will not change people's habits significantly, if at all. It's politicians' stock answer to every problem, real or perceived. All they need to do is to ensure there are adequate measures in place to scoop the waste up and dump it somewhere where it will not cause too many problems. And that's where local authorities come in. The only function they perform of any use to the majority of council taxpayers is emptying the bins. For about the last thirty years they have made an increasingly unnecessary song-and-dance about this. We put the rubbish out (including the coffee cups) and they deal with it. That's how it should be and they are being paid handsomely to do so. But, like the police, who are dealing with fewer and fewer crimes, LAs want to deal with less and less rubbish. That's not how it should work with an ever-increasing population.
Ummm, all this doesn't negate the fact that i need to talk to you. Would you read and answer if I mssgd you on FB?

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its about the tax if some have only just looked in...
emmie, I think you've misunderstood my point. If there's less litter, it could lead to a significant percentage of street cleaners being laid off. No?
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the cleaners will still be needed, London has an army of them, clearing Oxford Street is a minefield of detritus, without the rest of the capital.
Bathsheba it is time you got over yourself and stopped being so needy. I have not describe you as sad and pathetic.
Yes it was me who said "pathetic and sad" of people who want to walk down the street drinking coffee and I stand by what I said. Ditto people on railway platforms who seem to think that a paper cup full of "coffee" is as essential as buying a ticket,
emmie, surely a certain quantity of litter means a certain quantity of cleaners?
wanting a drink when you are out and about (especially if you have a long commute for example) is not particularly unusal. Take away coffee cups are perfect because they keep the drink warm for longer. You can buy your drink, drink it, and then chuck away the cup, keeping your hands/bags free for other stuff. i don't get what is so wrong with that
didlydo - would you prefer that people bought a drink on the train? It would be in exactly the same type of cup, (but less pretentious and more expensive perhaps?)
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i see what you mean, but London is a filthy place at the best of times, and it takes an army of cleaners to keep it clean of discarded items. Including non recyclable coffee cups.
I find it almost impossible to drink whilst walking. I need to be stood still or sat down.
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Jack me too.

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