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Mp's Want A Levy On Take Away Coffee

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emmie | 10:57 Fri 05th Jan 2018 | News
182 Answers
as if it's not expensive enough. Surely there must be a better way to dispose of all these billions of coffee non disposable cups.


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"...we are talking of 25p per cup, a not inconsiderable tax," It still won't stop people drinking it. If you have two a day five days a week it will cost you £32.50 instead of £30.00 (assuming £3 per cup). People shelling out thirty quid a week on coffee obviously have a bit of income to dispose of because there are far cheaper alternatives. That much extra over...
15:42 Fri 05th Jan 2018
when i see people drinking coffee i assume they are thirsty!
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I go away for a bit and well that turned into a bit of a bun fight, lol,
the issue is many of these cups aren't recyclable and manufacturers must find a way to be able to dispose of them properly in a recycling bin.
The other issue is that your 3 quid coffee may well end up with a tax levy of 25 pence, which is a rip off.
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don't people have tea and coffee at work.?
But you are paying for the convenience, and convenience always costs more. Yes if I could be bothered, I'd make a flask and some sandwiches. Although sometimes I am really struggling as to what I can carry (with a large trolley full of files and papers, sometimes there just isnt room) and there is talk of banning any liquids being taken into court after an incident last year.

I'll still pay for the convenience. With or without the levy on top.
Like I said earlier if I want coffee at work I'd have to remember to bring in milk.
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we had coffee and tea machines in our place, no need to bring in milk, coffee or other.
As I like cream in my coffee, I make up a flask and take that to work. Takes 5 minutes and saves time at work.
This issue has been going on years, there doesn't seem to be a simple solution that suits all.

Even those who should care don't seem to have the will either.
Emmie - I'm the only who has hot drinks at work. If I even bother.
All food retailers at Glastonbury have to use recyclable cups, plates, cutlery etc. So it can be done.

I couldn't give a hoot about seeing someone walking down the street drinking their beverage of choice and talking on the phone, it doesn't impact on my life in a way.
Well COurts do often have coffee machines. Although the best that can be said for the liquid that comes out of them is it is wet and sometimes warm.
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mamy, and that is just one department, surely those who might possibly levy these taxes should be doing their damnedest to recycle their own cups.
When I was at the chalk face I provided my Maths department with a coffee machine, in reality I bought a new one for home and took the old one into school, we had a little kitchen area off my classroom. One parent complained that her little precious didn't like the smell of coffee so I was told to remove it, back to the instant. I didn't like the smell of her daughter but she stayed!
It is amazing how such a trivial issue generates such a massive response.
And not wishing to divert the thread, I do think what ministers should also look at is the amount of packaging used in online ordering. I've had some deliveries this morning and probably only 40% of the packaging I received is recyclable.
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Barmaid, that is quite true, many machines don't produce nice tea, coffee. Ours used to be wet and warm, and pretty much on the go all day. As the only way we could get a break from the work was to get everyone a tea/coffee.
I too don't mind the important people walking down the street glued to their coffee cup and phone but I do object to their attitude that everyone else should keep out of their way as they're far too engrossed to look where they're going.
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its about the government telling us what to do and not doing it themselves, rule for one should be rule for all.
I very rarely have take away coffee's so like barmaid I would probably pay the levy, however, my water bottle travels with me everywhere. We have a costa over the road from work and the guys who regularly get coffee from there all seem to have reusable cups with them.
Zebo - totally agree with you about having to get out of the way. The sooner the government puts a £5 (yes, I mean that) levy on takeaway coffee the better. People used to sit down to drink coffee out of a proper cup 0 why the sea-change??? It's pathetic and sad.

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