Oooops....flaky ipad in these hills....
Thank you, understand deafness and the need, at times, for a signer.
I was at a gig on description would have been unnecessary and it's pointless using that as a comparison...
The band spent time before many numbers bantering with the audience about the original band....who wrote the songs and why.....they joked with each other and with the audience about other members......the one with man flu and the reason for the hat got much amusing stick from both.....
There were so many interesting introductions to numbers.
A deaf person needed an interpreter to be able to enjoy this and to join in......anything less would have meant isolation and being left out of much of the enjoyment of the whole event.
Even having the next number introduced in BSL is I'll stick to my guns on this one....because I have seen the difference it makes and that makes me kind of happy..... :-)