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Your ad break thing. Now [i]that’s[i] more like it.

I actually think that’s a pretty good idea. Education is not just about those who practice this, but should also alert those who work with children (social workers, health visitors, GPs, teachers, youth workers etc).

It needs to be brought out into the open, more so than is now.

Excellent idea.
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Don't be silly sp, I am not suggesting that every little girl who attends the hospital or the GP is examined in such a way. But it stands to reason that at some time such intimate irregularities will be discovered, during more intimate area examinations and so consequently reported to the authorities. But to date nothing, very strange, so back to my question.
“I think you don’t quite understand what’s going on.”
Please don’t be so patronising, sp.
I understand that you, sp, like to come across as someone who understands and even stands up for other cultures, (no, I’m not suggesting you are ‘standing up’ for FGM), but I honestly couldn’t care less what goes on in other backwards countries if it doesn’t have any effect on me and mine. (Starving Africans do, though).

FGM has been bought to civilised countries and brushed under the carpet.
There may be a few people standing up against it in Africa, but it will take (possibly) hundreds of years for it to make a difference. If it ever does.
I wonder how many more will be mutilated in that time?
v_e, please confirm who you are referring to with the cake point.

Yes, what you say makes perfect sense. If a girl is taken in to hospital for an intimate exam (for whatever reason) then there is an onus on the clinician to report damage to the genitals.

It’s the same as what we would expect where a child had been sexually abused.

But as with sexual abuse, the adult or guardian will do their level best to ensure that at no time the child will be in a position to be examined.

This is why, when we hear of cases of sexual abuse, a clinical exam is carried out during the investigation, rather than being the instigator of an investigation.

My argument all along is not that FGM is acceptable or unpreventable, just that the solutions thus far suggested are unworkable.

We’re you talking about the thread concerning Ashers Bakery, which lost its court case?

Or another thread?

Please identify it. There’s something I need to check.
//just that the solutions thus far suggested are unworkable.//

Apart from -Talbot-‘s idea. Not a solution per se, but a step in the right direction.
v_e, please confirm who you are referring to with the cake point.

Why, I'm referring to you. Untypically slow on the uptake today, SP.
sp, //People need to understand what’s actually happening on the ground,//

Yes, they most certainly do – you most of all. This is what’s going on on the ground – and in a country where FGM is illegal.
As that has been brought up ... Christian cake bakers in the US have just won the right to 'not' bake a cake for a same-sex couple.

200 in AOG (bound to stray off topic eventually)

Back to the thread ...
And nice to see you've endorsed the education, engagement with, all stakeholders, relevant services etc policy.

Thought of becoming a Labour councillor or a social worker?

v_e, please confirm who you are referring to with the cake point.

As you would’ve seen earlier in the thread, I posted a link to the countries where FGM is most prevalent.

That is not what we are discussing.

We are talking about measures to combat the practice here in the UK.

It’s no use just scraping the Internet for links about FGM. That’s not thinking for yourself.

-Talbot- came out with a fine suggestion.

I’m advocating
I’m advocating education.

What are _your_ thoughts? sounds like I mean that education is the only solution.

Definitely not.

Prosecution for the perpetrators too. And if found guilty - jail terms. Not suspended sentences or community orders.

FGM should be treated as child abuse.
In Sweden all children are medically examined before starting school. This, for boys, (apart from general health concerns ) is to ascertain that they have fully descended testicles. It can't be difficult to check at the same time that girls have not been mutilated, and to warn all parents that any mutilation will result in culprits being severely punished
The two steps along the road has already been taken.

First, the phrase ‘female circumcision’ has been replaced with ‘female genital mutilation’.

Second, it is now illegal.

The next step is to ensure that those who work with children have been educated to recognise the signs (that falls under education).

Perhaps the fourth phase is to empower (there you go v_e, a nice buzzword) child protection agencies within the police and social services to treat FGM cases as they would other forms of child abuse/neglect.

Yes, I remember that myself. It was colloquially called ‘cough and drop’.

I female version of this would not only reveal signs of FGM, but also sexual abuse.

Nice one!!!
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/// People need to understand what’s actually happening on the ground, and that the issue is not only being addressed here, but in these ‘backward’ countries. ///

It would seem that it is this country that is fast becoming a 'backward' country, since in no way it is being addressed here.

If it had we would have seen many pay heavily for this disgusting mutilation.

This practice as been a criminal offence in this country for over 30 years, what other UK criminal offence has there been no arrests and convictions over?

Danny has it right here Its difficult to prove where the mutilation took place and by whom.

But I think we should be trying harder, that's for sure.

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Why In The Uk Has There Been No Arrest For This Disgusting Mutilation Practice?

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