I’m sure you can guess, sp, that I have no experience of women or girls who have suffered this procedure, and just because you know of one person, that doesn’t make you any more of an authority on the subject than I am!
There have been threads where you and I have disagreed on ‘educating’ the backwards’ before.
And whilst I don’t want to divert AOG’s thread, I can only hold up that discussion as an example, which was about the starving Africans.
For all the education we have tried on them, (starving Africans) and for all the years I have been around (I believe you and I are a similar age) absolutely nothing has worked.
Probably because they don’t want it to work. They would rather keep up tradition, than go against the grain.
I also think that “backwards” is a very appropriate description.
The educated world moves forward, (not always in a good way, of course) but those whose lives are mired in ancient religions/traditions stand still, and if they are still keeping up certain traditions that have no place in todays society, after many centuries have passed, then that makes them backwards.