Naomi....we may have to announce our engagement soon !
Whether the poor child has a mental illness or not, it would still seem to me that a mild sedative was called for. The parent must have been aware that this sort of thing was likely to occur. Their Doctor could have saved everybody an awful lot of heart-ache.
As he started to behave like that before the plane had even taken off, they should have been removed.
The ''undiagnosed illness' is easily identified as 'spoiledbratitis''
Child is a brat, although probably a victim of modern 'it is anyone elses fault but mine' parenting.
Had one of these on Eurostar once. One standup row later the kid was shut up. The parents just sat on their phones wilst their brat ran amok in first class. Stewards ddid jack and when first asked parents refused to do anything in fact the father (not british) threatened me it want until I got up and approached him he changed his tune.
It is getting to the time when we are going to have to have travel blacklists not only for brats but for all troublesome passengers.
NoMercy....I suspect you may be right, although we can't be sure. I had a next-door neighbour who little boy screamed and screeched for hours on end. Eventually the Mother was persuaded to take him to the doctor and they did indeed find some medical problems.
But I can see where you are coming from here....whatever the reason, the Mother must be held responsible.