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Alfie Evans:an Emergency High Court Hearing Taking Place Now.

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ladybirder | 17:33 Tue 24th Apr 2018 | News
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Parents have an aircraft standing by to take him to Italy. He's now been breathing on his own for almost 24 hours. This needs the judgement of Solomon.


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Treatment may prolong his life, or it may fail to do that. What it certainly won't do is cure or reverse what his illness has already caused. Everyday a Dr in some corner of the world is 'astounded' by a patient's 'miraculous' recovery but I think it's fair to say that little Alfie will never sit his GCSEs, pass his driving test, or even execute the simplest of life...
18:31 Wed 25th Apr 2018
Neither would I, Ken.
According to this link, each parent is now represented by a different barrister so I'm sure that'll not help matters.
To the people who are saying "let him go" what do you mean by that? He is no longer being ventilated. Should the medical staff now remove his oxygen and hydration?
Spath I am so sorry you are annoyed. Why don't you contact the parents and tell them how annoyed you are?
Yes I too have been in a position where I knew more than the medical staff, not once but multiple times when caring for my husband.
Woof, last I hear he'd been breathing on his own, but his stats were low so it was likely he'd need to be put back on life support. I might be wrong as there are so many contradicting reports. But that's what I meant by 'letting him go', ie, not putting him back on life support.
Let him go refers I think to stop the merry go round of litigation. Let him survive at home for as long as he does. And just because he is breathing doesn't mean a huge amount for him. You don't need too much of a working brain to breath because it is the cortex that regulates involuntary functions.
So its ok to give him into the care of his parents at home?
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The parents are now thinking of citing the doctor for MURDER !! Absolutely ridiculous and proves to me that the father IS uneducated. The people screaming and protesting outside the hospital are an absolute disgrace. I am totally on the side of the beleagured medical staff here ...
No amount of being put on a plane and flown to another hospital who are prepared to treat him can be less in his interests than taking the poor little chap off his ventilator and allowing him to gasp and dehydrate his way to a slow and miserable death. the longer this goes on the more it's becoming apparent it's about the hospital having their own way. Alderhey can add themselves to the list of charities I will no longer support along with GOSH, this is shocking.
Completely agree with hereIam. This gorgeous little boy has absolutely no quality of life and never will. The parents causing absolute mayhem outside the hospital should be ashamed of themselves - that hospital is full of many many other patients and it’s causing them great distress.
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The two hospitals offering to take him, one in Germany and the other in Italy, will just put him back on a ventilator again and do what ever is necessary to keep him alive. How long for? A week, a month, 12 months, 12 years? He has no quality of life. There is no treatment for his condition. Oh and he is being hydrated according to the news on BBC now.
hereIam, they are not thinking about sueing the doctors they already have, three of them have received the paperwork. And when Alfie dies they will sue for murder.
They seem to have overlooked the fact that he wouldn't be alive at all if it wasn't for the care he has received at the Alder Hey hospital.
heartbreaking... I'd let the wee mite go....
and the fact the hospital HAS to comply with the court order
I couldn’t Disagree with you more, kvalidir. What a ridiculous thing to say. Alder Hey and GOSH do brilliant work.

He is Not going to gasp and dehydrate his way to death!! He is being hydrated.
Chrissa1 is right x
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Exactly bednobs.
All the publicity, videos, photographs ( some staged ) , just what dignity has the child been left with? .parents, medical staff are now not responsible for this child,. The courts are the decision makers, The whole " thing " has turned into a circus. Please let this child die in peace.
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Indeed Anne. I wonder if there will be a decision tonight from the Judges or will it be tomorrow. Maybe Alfie will make it for them.
Treatment may prolong his life, or it may fail to do that. What it certainly won't do is cure or reverse what his illness has already caused.

Everyday a Dr in some corner of the world is 'astounded' by a patient's 'miraculous' recovery but I think it's fair to say that little Alfie will never sit his GCSEs, pass his driving test, or even execute the simplest of life of life's ADLs such as feeding himself, taking a shower or holding a conversation. I doubt he'd even sit upright, unassisted.

In his parents' ruthless but well-intended pursuit of treatment, they're blindly condemning this child to an existence - not a life - of ceaseless suffering.

I hope for this boy's sake he passes away swiftly and painlessly.
The latest appeal has been rejected say BBC.

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