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What's Happening To Society?

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ToraToraTora | 14:54 Thu 28th Jun 2018 | News
115 Answers
When young savages are attacking emergency services doing their jobs there has to be a serious break down going on. When I was that age it would have been unthinkable.


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It all went wrong when the little loves were given human rights by the wonderful, wonderful pc brigade !!! You simply cannot chastise them these days and boy do they know it. I remember a few years ago when a friend had a teenager running wild, she was at her wits end and one day his Nan clipped him around the earhole after he had been particularly obnoxious and what...
15:54 Thu 28th Jun 2018
Absolutely awful, truly dreadful in fact and I hope they are dealt with severely, however the past was not rose tinted and people have always been utters *** as can be shown here:-
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well spath, why don't you tell me what is suppressing them?
Yes! yes! yes! Kvakli.......that was adult crime and I didn't think that this thread was about that.
Teenaged crime we are talking about.
It did mention juvenile delinquents, Sqad.
There was a peak in juvenile crime in the 40's Sqad, and the article does briefly touch on that x
It all went wrong when the little loves were given human rights by the wonderful, wonderful pc brigade !!! You simply cannot chastise them these days and boy do they know it. I remember a few years ago when a friend had a teenager running wild, she was at her wits end and one day his Nan clipped him around the earhole after he had been particularly obnoxious and what did he do, he called the police on her ! Luckily the policeman who came was a lovely, decent bloke who saw the size of the hulking youth and his tiny Nan and gave him a stern lecture about never calling the police out again for something so trivial. He never changed though, the damage caused by the do-gooders had left its mark and he's just a layabout with no intentions of ever getting a job. As a teenager me and my friends would never have dreamed of doing anything so vile as throwing missiles at the Fire Brigade but if we had, our parents wrath would have been something to behold ! Wonder what the parents of these brats will do ....?
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This deals with it exclusively x
ummmm...I don't understand your post.
Kvali gave a link example of adult crime and i said that the thread was about teenaged crime.

Have i missed your point?
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The article Kval posted does mention juvenile crimes.
lol very true spath ...
kvali...LOL....I am sure that there was..........but all that is in the past now we have our new obedient society amongst teenagers.
Haven't you noticed?
I would never allow a 'brigade' to influence how I dealt with my children's behaviour - that's a cop out.
I'd personally kick the little scrotes into the middle of next week Sqad and can't remember knowing anyone at all who would have behaved like that during my childhood/ teens, but then I didn't live in any areas with a lot of social issues, so clearly something does cause it, the trick is to find out what and how to counteract it. x
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Thank you for BA TTT.
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Spath: “People constantly putting them down, calling them names”
You mean for attacking firemen or stabbing people or throwing acid from mopeds?
“ the restrictions on life(laws)”
Yeah all laws were created in the last 20 years to annoy the yoof of today
“, the lack of accessibility to affordable housing”
Work hard and save, like people my age did, do you need to spend all your money of hedonistic pursuits?
“, the lack of accessibility to get jobs”
Plenty of jobs, work hard and study, like we had to”
“.. School tests are a lot more harsh, they're harder to pass”
No they are not, past o level questions are now found in A levels for example.
“, Brexit causes more issues than you care to think of”
Work hard for your own country, why does Brexit matter to you?
“, but i'm sure you'll overlook anything political and *** yourself with laughter”
“, driving conditions are appalling and i'm sure there is a LOT more”
Yes there is more traffic but that is because people are now prosperous enough to have personal private transport.
“. The lack of power an average citizen has”
With the advent of the net and social media hugely more than ever before.
This just looks like a “why isn’t everything given to me on a plate” moan.

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