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Theresa May Possibly Resigning

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Spicerack | 12:03 Fri 21st Sep 2018 | News
70 Answers
Speech coming 1:45


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"She has said that EU nationals in the UK will still be welcome to stay." To be fair, AOG, I don't think even the most ardent of Brexiteers (and they don't come much more ardent than me!) wanted or expected wholesale expulsions of people from other EU countries who have legitimately settled here, whatever the terms of our departure. They came in good faith under...
15:28 Fri 21st Sep 2018
"I'll bet Boris and Gove and the rest of them are preparing their excuses for not wanting the job"

Why? It is an ideal time to take over Treason will be the one blamed for a bad Brexit because she is to blame. And if they pull something good out the bag then they will get Mega credit.

It's win-win.

BBC1 after local News
Balders. Doctors has just started on BBC 1.
I doubt if she would announce a resignation or an election from INSIDE No 10.
How would that help anyway. Resignation would cause chaos.
"Resignation would cause chaos."

Instead of the strong and stable progress being made with every day that passes I suppose.

BBC announced at the end of the main news it would be on after the local news, only reported what they said so don't shoot the messenger.
She's announcing a referendum !!!!!!!! Lol .
On the BBC News channel 604 on Virgin.
She has not appeared, apparently there is a 'power' problem in No10 according to Sky.

I bet there is !!
Do we have to keep on voting until we get the right answer ?
Well thats the usual plan with the EU.

Zee vite answer must be given.
What's happening? Has she gone?
Tilly, she has just started her speech.
Doesn't sound like a resignation speech.
Not resigning. In a nutshell- there is a total impasse and it is up to the EU to come up with a plan. She is prepared for a no deal and has said that EU nationals in the UK will still be welcome to stay.
A whole lot of nothing said .
...and 'We stand ready!'
Usual hot air from Traitor May.

Still not given up selling us down the river.
Also said that there be no customs barrier between NI and Ireland.
Wee calf iif you think that nothing was said you must have watched a different speech to the one I watched.
"and 'We stand ready!'"

Yes, forgot to complete the sentence "to capitulate"

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