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The Truth Hurts It Seems......

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ToraToraTora | 08:17 Tue 02nd Oct 2018 | News
105 Answers
I guess the EUSSR are too close to it all, to see they are, in some measure, analogous to the USSR.
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“The most puzzling development in politics during the last decade is the apparent determination of Western European leaders to re-create the Soviet Union in Western Europe.” Mikhail Gorbachev
10:19 Tue 02nd Oct 2018
As I thought, you have no evidence do you? As for comparison to a coup, you're spouting more claptrap than normal.

It’s entirely comparable: you do what you always do: adopt position X, which of course you are entitled to do, but then effectively try to force others to agree with you by trying to get them to respond in your terms. As in ‘have you stopped beating your wife’ : the point being that theres nothing to link that person to wife beating any more than you can expect someone from the other side of the Brexit argument to accept your terms of reference. As if I were to ask you what on earth else could you call Nigel Farage but a populist charlatan with a bee in his bonnet about EU fishing quotas :-)
Danny, it is indeed 'attributed' to him many many times across the net, with no real source that I have found - although have not scoured deeply.
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There you go again, TCL, you attitude demonstrates why ytou lost. All you have is derision and insults, you cannot explain to me why I should want to stay in the EU can you. Since the whole issue started the attitude of most remainers most of the time is, you must be thick if you don't vote to stay, that's it, no explanations, no offering of why, not attempt to point out things we may not have thought of. That's how religion works, you are a heretic if you don't blindly beleive. Hang on I have an idea for a thread.....
Lynne, would all these different listers of quotes have said it if it was nut true?
I would think that those who actually lived in Vichy France and those who lived in the USSR would be saddened by anyone comparing them to the EU.
More important than ‘did Gorbachev actually say it?’ is ‘does it make any sense?’
Gorbachev was a fan of the Soviet Union in any case. What he opposed was Russian nationalism, so for his to criticise the modern EU says I think more about him than it does about it
What did I lose?
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botox ich, give me a word to describe those that collaborate with a corrupt foreign power to undermine their own government. That's all I'm after.
It happens Danny I believe not everything out there is true - so I'm told.

I've cluttered up the debate long enough, sorry.
"All you have is derision and insults," do you actually think before you type?
//Lynne, would all these different listers of quotes have said it if it was nut true?//

Because they're just aggregators. They're recording stuff that gets posted and shared across the internet.

If it was true, you'd be able to find a source.

I'm really not trying to be a philistine about this but people can't just make up stuff when it suits them to do it. What's the point of having any conversation about anything otherwise?
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Kromo //I'm really not trying to be a philistine about this//
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TCL: QED, your last post, still I struggle to find someone to convince me to want to stay in the EU.
Yes, really. If I'd have known there'd be this much fuss I wouldn't have said anything.
Dont tell porkies, of course you would.
Sometimes it feels like you’ve landed on Planet Moron :-)
I think I might know a tad more about my own brain and behaviour than you do, ymb.
Kromo, the ancient philosophers provided many quotes.Do you really expect that the source of those quotes could be found?

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