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It's A Very Scary Time For Young Men In America, Do You Agree?

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anotheoldgit | 15:56 Wed 03rd Oct 2018 | News
186 Answers

Yes I know Trump said it, but please don't turn this into yet another anti-Trump thread, please address it on the fact that if one is a man (no matter of what nationality) one can be deemed guilty until proven innocent.


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Yeah remember the Rolf Harris threads because so many people loved him?
^What does that have to do with this?
//People have been known to lie.//

Indeed Naomi especially when encouraged or even paid to lie. Note that Ford shied away from testimony under oath, knowing that any future counter proof left her liable to a perjury charge. The whole circus is being financed and conducted by Soros and his one world globalists. Perhaps Trump will extradite him to Russia who have asked for extradition to answer charges brought there.
jackthehat, //I've yet to see a single accusation be accepted unequivocally on AnswerBank. //

//Without verifiable evidence why would anyone accept any accusation unequivocally? People have been known to lie.//

Especially for $700,000 (already)
Spicerack @ 19.05 = nail on head.

If I had been sexually abused to the point it ruined my whole life for 40 years I would be able to recall every small detail, including when it happened where it happened, who was around, how I got home etc.

She will never get to court because she will not swear on oath. She should be prosecuted not him.
Haha Spice you will be asked to prove that with a link now. Glad to see you are up to speed on this almost unbelievable series of events.

P.S. Takes me a little while to catch up here as I have to switch "browsers" when looking beyond the sites providing churnalism. :))
Nail on the head yourself as well AuntLydia. Anyone who has followed this for the last 2 weeks(and understood what is going on) should be open mouthed with horror at the blatant left wing manipulation of a fragile woman and the situation they have fabricated to demonise a previously honoured man and his family all in the name of long term politics. As far as I can ascertain the Republicans look like winning the mid terms(unheard of in the States) as Democrats who are not Clintonites or Obama devotees take the Red pill (right wing in America) after being as sickened as any rational thinker would be.
togo she is not a frail woman lol!

"Ford is a clinical psychology professor at Palo Alto University in California. A biostatistician, she “specializes in the design and analysis of clinical trials and other forms of intervention evaluation,”
"Ford is a registered Democrat who has given small monetary donations to political causes, according to The Washington Post.
She has donated to ActBlue, a nonprofit group that aims to help Democrats and progressive candidates, The Wall Street Journal reported."
Poor frail!
sorry togo I've just realised you were agreeing with me....doh shoot me now......
Crikey the sisterhood is alive and well on the thread :/
Haha AL. I also said "fragile" not frail. Fragility comes in many forms. In her case it would appear to be lucidity.
^^ Mind you she appears not to be alone there. :))
kval actually if you read from the beginning there are a lot more woman agreeing than not agreeing. Sisterhood should not be at the expense of common sense or truth. I will not condone what I think is unacceptable behaviour just because the perpetrator has the same type of genitals I do. ;-)
I’m not a member of a sisterhood.
I would not wish to belong to any sisterhood that would have me as a member (ok I stole it)
//Yeah remember the Rolf Harris threads because so many people loved him?//

Seeing as how you ask, I'm sure we do. Though unlike some we would rather bury him with Saville. Since you have insisted on trying to derail another thread with obfuscation consider this.
With Kavanaugh, there still is no corroboration and since the time of this alleged crime he hasn't committed further acts of this nature. Its been proven over and over again, that sexual predators continue their acts for life, like Bill Clinton and Anthony Wiener, Rolf Harris and Jimmy Saville. Of course there is still time for the American version of our Greenham Common "women" to get together and further ruin the World for generations to come, by making further "accusations" all in the name of Left wing ideology. Nice.

JTH said //I've yet to see a single accusation be accepted unequivocally on AnswerBank.
There always appears to be someone crying "foul" in one way, or another....//
I replied agreeing with her //Yeah remember the Rolf Harris threads because so many people loved him?//

All perfectly relevant, so how even in your world does that make me derailing the thread- which I am not actually wont to do?
Kvalidir, I don't see your point re RH.

What are your actual thoughts on this Kavanaugh thing?
As has been pointed out already on this thread - if men behave with appropriate respect and courtesy, then they have nothing to fear in society.

I am not making an 'anti-Trump' observation here, as per the OP request, but it shrieks with irony that one of the most misogynistic boorish ignorant badly behaved chauvinist bullies ever to draw breath, is suddenly deciding that the world is a 'scary place for men'.

It's not scary Mister President - unless you behave in a way that makes it so - and clearly you do, so you should be right to be scared.

And if your sons carry your genes, and you have educated them in your appalling treatment of women, then yes, they should be scared too.
// if men behave with appropriate respect and courtesy, then they have nothing to fear in society.//

Until he was nominated as a Republican nominee to the highest of posts in the American judiciary Kavanaugh was nothing but considered respectful and courteous when it came to his consideration of women throughout his life. Until a woman of, it would now appear, dubious standards but with a committed political career "remembered" an event from decades ago when they were both juveniles. Her memory would appear to be more than hazy as to where, when, who was there, and what actually happened. Her motives for such tenuous "recall" however appear to be crystal clear to even the most unbiased observer. Still, the pious amongst us love a handle on the effluent pump do they not?

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