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Isn't This Just Wasting Time And Effort

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emmie | 12:54 Tue 11th Dec 2018 | News
64 Answers
surely the EU have told us what their plans are and it doesn't
include any more concessions. So what is Mrs May doing there.


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“No the DUP seem to all intents and purposes wanting to kick this into the long grass.” They are not the only ones, emmie. The agreement effectively splits the United Kingdom down the Irish Sea, Traders in Great Britain will have to make customs declarations to send goods to Northern Ireland because NI will be treated as part of the EU’s customs union...
14:16 Tue 11th Dec 2018
// is this an underhand attempt to force this deal to be accepted either because there is literally no time for anything //

That was my thought. It would also explain why the negotiations dragged on for as long as they did. Delay the appearance of the deal, and then delay the vote on the deal itself, so there's no alternative to it other than a no-deal, which most MPs want to avoid.
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maybe she will, waving her little piece of paper, peace in our time, or not as the case will likely be.
//Commons business today is mainly about asking a slightly different question: //

would that be norman lamb's "legalise it" bill, Jim? :-)
Useless traitorous woman.

She needs to go.
Before that, mushroom :P
She isn’t after concessions, she is after assurances.... don’t you know ;-/
emmie, the best way for the public to get rid of a party leader is to vote their party out. Few leaders survive thaqt.

But faced with an election, Tory voters just can't help voting Tory - keeping Labour out suddenly becomes more important than getting the Brexit they want.

Be careful what you wish for.
"She isn’t after concessions, she is after assurances.."

Nope, just after clinging to power.

Now she has embarrased us even further by getting the begging bowl out to the Germans, err I mean the EU leader (Obergruppenführer Merkle)
"But faced with an election, Tory voters just can't help voting Tory - keeping Labour out"

Quite, and one could say that much of this mess is labours fault.

If it was someone acceptable, other then COB and his mates, then Treason would not be there now and we would not be having this mess.

Instead we have a remoaner PM pretending to be a leaver and a leaver opposition leader pretending to want to remain.

You really could not make it up.
// keeping Labour out suddenly becomes more important than getting the Brexit they want. //

Of course it does. When faced with two evils it's always wise to choose the lesser.
if "mutti" was EU leader, wouldn't she be Oberst-Gruppenführer, YMB?
I have thought for a long time that leave should be more vociferous about the benefits of leaving.

Although to many Brexiteers the economy isn’t the driving force for their vote it does seem to be for remain. Therefore for every project fear economic scare story they should counter with a positive one or show that it is simply an over reaction.

I do believe that most project fear stories are probably founded in truth but it is a scewed truth, not telling the whole truth but always seem to be worst case scenarios to heighten the fear factor. It’s not called project fear for nothing.
When she loses the vote, she will quickly face a vote of no confidence and then a leadership election. So she is dragging out to cling on.
Last time no one else wanted the job and she was elected by default.
Not sure there is anyone else brave enough or stupid enough to stand this time.
in that respect, Gromit, Douglas Adams had it right -

“The major problem—one of the major problems, for there are several—one of the many major problems with governing people is that of whom you get to do it; or rather of who manages to get people to let them do it to them.
To summarize: it is a well-known fact that those people who must want to rule people are, ipso facto, those least suited to do it.
To summarize the summary: anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job.”
one could say that much of this mess is labours fault

lol, even blaming Labour despite the fact they've not been in power for a single minute of this mess? You are in such total denial. May's there because you voted to put her there.
“No the DUP seem to all intents and purposes wanting to kick this into the long grass.”

They are not the only ones, emmie. The agreement effectively splits the United Kingdom down the Irish Sea, Traders in Great Britain will have to make customs declarations to send goods to Northern Ireland because NI will be treated as part of the EU’s customs union when the rest of the UK will not. The arrangement will last for so long as the EU thinks fit and the UK will not be able to withdraw from it unilaterally. No credible government, or for that matter no MPs, with any integrity should agree to such an arrangement. More than that, this “backstop” is said to be necessary to prevent a hard border in Ireland but neither the UK nor Ireland have any intention of constructing one under any circumstances. The EU has also said it will not do so (and has neither the resources nor the authority to do so anyway). So an unacceptable solution is being imposed to cure a problem that does not exist. Nothing will happen that remotely resembles a hard border in Ireland if the UK leaves the EU without this agreement and it is being insisted upon simply to prolong the UK’s compliance with the EU’s customs union.

Jim is quite right. I believe this situation has been deliberately contrived to thwart Brexit. Plans for a “No Deal” departure should have begun on 24th June 2016 because, quite frankly, that’s the only language the EU understands. We need “permission” to extend the A50 notice period (though not to withdraw it entirely thanks to yesterday’s ruling from the ECJ). Parliament has no stomach for “No Deal”. The EU will not modify the deal. So that leaves three options:

1.Extend the notice period (I doubt the EU will hear of it)
2.Leave with No Deal (Parliament will not hear of it)
3.Withdraw A50

If we fail to leave the EU Mrs May will go down in history as the PM who destroyed democracy in the UK. Parliament agreed to grant a referendum and the government pledged to implement the decision. The electorate voted to leave. Parliament endorsed that by voting 5-1 to invoke Article 50. A general election was held in the interim and 80% of the votes were cast for parties pledging to implement Brexit. There is absolutely no doubt that Parliament has the mandate and indeed the obligation to see through our withdrawal. If they don’t it will be a sad day because the UK will have lost the only chance it will have to strike out in a new direction free of an organisation that has done it no favours in 40 years. Instead it will be shackled to that moribund organisation until either the EU or the UK withers away.
"You are in such total denial."
So you are saying there is not an element of truth in what I wrote? Really?

" May's there because you voted to put her there."

No I didnt, stop lying please. If you look back at posts you will see my opinion at the time. I belive I was not happy but gave her the benefit of the dount, which was removed very quickly by her lying actions.
She'll probably chuck another €100 billion in their direction.
"one could say that much of this mess is labours fault"

Would you care to elaborate on that ?

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see if they can get the vote sorted out, can't see what else she can do.

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