pixie 374 @ 1749.
I am saying that Campbell was NOT suffering any mental disorder despite the fact that albaqwerty stated he was supposed to have been diagnosed as a Phsycopath.
This is the summing up of the judge so please do not listen to accusations and red herrings that AH uses to try and side track the debate by accusing me of stating the findings was my justifiction for Capital Punishment. I do make my own decisions in life and think for myself and not because it goes contrary to people's opinions that I do not like
//The first is that you told him in points during the trial it took everything to stop laughing and you had to zip your mouth.
The second is that you volunteered that you were quite satisfied with the murder.
According to all of the reports you are not suffering from any mental health disorder and indeed you are not suffering from any syndrome or disorder of any kind.//
The full summing up of the type of monster the accused was can be found in this link.